ISIS & Taliban Attacks on innocents

Started by Anjum, March 28, 2016, 02:40:15 PM

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Salam All..

Hope you are all fine...well...i guess..everyone know about the barbaric attacks carried out by ISIS in Brussels and...Tabliban attacks in Pakistan...Boko Haram attacks in Nigeria...well..m really tired of these news...i can see that...whole world is blaming muslims...earlier it was like..people were saying..not all muslims are terrorist etc etc..but now..people had started hating muslims...i feel like...they are blaming me too..whereas...we have no connection to these idiots...indeed we are as much irritated and tired with these terrorists...they are giving bad name to Islam..they are making the world to hate us...when will this end?...will these ISI and taliban will be killed and extinct?...i have sleepless nights because of these thoughts..m not able to overcome some fears...can you guys please tell me...what will happen..?...will they rise to the power? the terrorism going to spread and take more lives?...m sorry for silly questions..m jus not able to talk to they cant understand my fears...m not jus sure...jus help guys...

Thanks and regards,


Unless both Christian rooted countries and Islam rooted countries come to an aggrement and cooperation this will not stop i guess. Because even though every country aggree that these groups seem a brutal ruthless threat to the world, countries take advantage of the situation these terrorists create. For example Russia says they fight against ISIS but they cover their real intention that what they want to support assad syrian leader and their long historical aims of reaching mediterrian sea. Iran in response taking advantage of this group in order to cover their support to shia population and trying to arm them and take advantage of after asad situation in Syria. And all europe is doing to avoid humans migration who fled from war torn cities to safe areas. And like that everyone seems to enjoy the situation's opening them to advance and fullfill their hidden agenda goals. United nations seem inefficient in such situations sadly. Actually what we see as individuals in the picture of Syria is not shared by states and goverments they dont approach it as a humanatarian view but in respect to their benefits and what they can make out of this situation for their profit.


An interesting article named "Did Prophet Muhammad Warn Us of ISIS?". I think you might like it :)

God bless you,
"Say:"O my slaves who have transgressed against their souls! Despair not of the Mercy of Allah: for Allah forgives all sins: for He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful."


Salam Relearning...

Welcome to the forum...:) have clearly stated what is happening..and i m very much thankful to you...:) seems like...syria is being a football among the terrorists and other countries...whereas...only innocent people are suffering...that makes me sad...and its sadder that...west people are blaming all muslims for these hypocrites attacks...i have been seeing comments...where they are literally saying that...should ban muslims...and etc hell on earth...we are responsible for such things...i jus wish that...ISI may perish...will it ever happen?...
Sorry for silly question...
Thanks and regards,


Salam Dear Sis Seraphina...

I read this article..:)..Thank you very much sis...but..sis...was this article written on the basis of hadeeth?...and if it was written on the basis of hadeeth..then...should we trust in it?..m sorry if m wrong.

Thanks and regards,


The attacks bother me too, and the seriousness of the issue has really gotten to me today, because today I was questioned by a child regarding religion. The boy was a nice kid and actually seemed to like making my acquaintance, despite the age difference. I'm not entirely sure how I got myself into such a discussion with a child, but somehow it happened.

"Are you Christian? I am," he said. I informed him that I was Muslim.

"Okay, but don't you think Islam is kind of a bad religion? Like, it has terrorists and all, and everyone hates women in your religion, and people kiss a black stone," the child said with perfect seriousness.

"That's more of a traditional thing," I answered, not sure how to explain it to him.

"Yeah, but what about the terrorists? And, like, Belgium and Paris? Why do people do that?" he asked. "Christians don't do that. Christianity is a religion for everyone."

I was impressed by his belief, but I couldn't find a way to explain anything that's been going on. How am I supposed to make excuses for almost the entirety of the world's second largest religion? Nobody can do that. Unless there is large-scale reform, it's pretty much impossible to convince the world that the blame is on people and not on Islam.

In the end, I basically admitted that many people who called themselves Muslims were doing very wrong things. From the kid's point of view, I was agreeing with him. I told him something like this: "I don't hate the religion itself, I hate what people are doing to it."

Needless to say, he didn't buy a word of it.

The fact that a sixth-grader can criticize an entire religion and be right about it is very sad. And it's also sad that I had no legitimate explanation to give him. We all know about hadiths and corruption, but that is not something one can explain to a kid. It's even harder to explain everything to adults, who aren't as gullible as kids. I am so tired of making excuses for the terrorism, cruelty, and tyranny practiced by a considerable percentage of my religion. :(


Salam Sis Mia...
Its really sad think about these attacks...and the whole world blaming islam and muslims...i dont understand..guess what..i found out some verses in bible...which were barbaric...and people..claim that...Quran teaches to have such verses..and some people said that...many christian reforms...are also...preaching hatred towards others...but..u know what...we wont see these things in news or media...coz..the world media is mostly favorable to the west or chrisitan they are majority...or may be they are their sponsors..and indeed..they themselves are christians...and people...think and decide on the basis of...the news shown by the media...even m very irritated when...i see comments in social media...where people are blaming too tired of thinking..wat others think...and defending our religion...its really sad sis...i wish...this all would end soon (especially these ISI hypocrites)...and peace may be restored...:(...

With best regards,