Celebrating Birthdays

Started by Reader Questions, December 05, 2011, 05:28:25 AM

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Reader Questions

Brother Joseph

I never used to celebrate birthdays before at least during the time I had been following the Hadith and sunnah but now, recently, i only wish my friends and family a happy birthday. Am I wrong in doing this?

I don't celebrate by doing parties or anything much like that, but I do wish them well because I feel it will help me to communicate/bond with them better.

I used to even send out articles or videos saying it was haraam. i don't do that anymore. I also don't make a big deal about birthdays anymore because I honestly don't feel it in my heart to be. But I do, at least wish my friends/family just for their mental peace and that they will feel appreciated or loved.

Is this forbidden?

[A sister in faith]

Joseph Islam

Salamun Alaikum.

Celebrating birthdays is not a religious matter, unless it is being performed in the name of religion or is clearly contravening religious edicts stipulated by the Quran.

It is up to the individual to make a decision based on the nature of the celebration, whether it will lead to undue societal pressure, the nature of the gathering, personal circumstances, what kind of social interaction this will entail and whether such a participation can be accomplished without compromising any other requirements of 'deen' mentioned in the Quran.

Certainly wishing someone well on their birthday and thanking God for the year of life He has granted them with His blessings is not going to contravene any religious decree to my knowledge.

A lot of this is judgment and intention based.

I hope this helps, God willing.
'During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act' 
George Orwell