Islam on watching movies, going to the cinema ...

Started by ilker, May 28, 2016, 09:55:19 PM

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Assalamu alaikum my good friends,

Lately i've been reading about this topic online and most of the time i've come across such websites that define these actions as haraam, forbidden. They talk about cinemas, movie theaters for example and say that those places are dark and full with namahram men and women (a free-mixing community). Also they talk about movies and inappropriately dressed people in them. Most of these websites say that "looking" at "namahram" women or men is haraam. Is this the way it's supposed to be in Islam ?

What is a legal entertainment for a Muslim ? Can a Muslim watch a decent movie in the theater ? What do you guys think about this ?


Asalamu Alykum Ilker

Muslims should always remain conscious of God. We know that He is always aware and see all things that we do. Whether we are watching movies, working, school, or in the market places, we are instructed to keep modest in how we interact. We are to use our discernment and our research before encountering certain things. If one feels like watching a movie or documentary etc, I would say we are expected to know what we watch before. I believe if the movie is acceptable and it does not contain things that are forbidden then it maybe fine to watch.

The internet is also filled with things that contain prohibited images from a Quran's views. One has to do his/her best to keep away and not fall for them.

Also some places in the world where people have to interact like work, school, etc they may see things that are normal in society but from a Qurans perspective not what a believer will dress or act. However a believer is asked to shun and not enjoy these things even if they are alluring.

so therefor believing men and women are asked to not look at things that are forbidden. And by doing so may also help one to protect themselves and their private parts. The thing is to keep modest and conscious of God. The world maybe filled with forbidden alluring and desirable things. But keeping away from them may help in being purified by God.

24:30 Tell the believing men that they should reduce/lower their gaze/vision and guard their private parts...
24:31 Tell the believing women that they should reduce/lower their gaze/vision and guard their private parts...

2:221 And do not marry polytheistic women until they believe. And a believing slave woman is better than a polytheist, even though she might please you. And do not marry polytheistic men until they believe. And a believing slave is better than a polytheist, even though he might please you. Those invite [you] to the Fire, but Allah invites to Paradise and to forgiveness, by His permission. And He makes clear His verses to the people that perhaps they may remember.


Hassan A

Salaam Ikler,

Regarding your questions, I share brother Jospeh Islam sentiment when he made the following statement in one of his articles: The Quran does not intend to address every possible human scenario and prescribe a religious edict to it. It provides necessary guidance, where necessary, for one to take from it the best meaning (39:18), apply it to the best of one's abilities (64:16) and not to unduly complicate religion without warrant.

So with regards to watching movies I, personally, see nothing wrong with it provided that decency is practiced. And what I mean by decency is, as brother Hamzeh alluded, that one not avoid movies in which the characters are exposing themselves (nudity wise); or at the very least one should lower their gaze during moments (or scenes) of indecent acts.

On the issue of going to cinemas, I see nothing wrong with men and women freely mixing in any given event, provided, as alluded to above, that decency is practiced - i.e one does not transgress the limits laid out in the Quran regarding (but not limited to) unmarried persons.

This is my humble opinion. Always remember that It remains our duty as Muslims to seek the best meaning from what we hear by scrutinize and evaluate all arguments and following that 'which is best' (see: Quran: 39:18). Every position / argument should be carefully pondered over and then proceed to only accepting / upholding whichever argument / position is true (or closest to the truth).


Salam All,

I totally agree with brother Hassan...there is nothing wrong in watching movies or something...just..we have to avoid indecent scenes...if you quote the Verse...lower your gaze...i dont think it means movies or something...we do meet and see people in our daily life too...are we supposed to stop socializing and lock ourselves at home? depends on us...watching unlawful things are avoid watching those things...and keep it simple...:)...hope it helps...:)



salam guys

Thanks for your comments. I like going to the cinema, watching movies etc. It's like my only "allowed" entertainment. I'm not that social. I don't have many friends (not that i'm an evil person lol :) don't get me wrong ). I don't go partying, clubbing. I don't drink or something. Alhamdulillah. When I get really stressed out, my mind becomes full with waswasa (even while i'm reading the Quran), nonsense thoughts and sometimes I really can't fight them back. So I try to do something relaxing and then I turn on tv or watch a movie to calm my mind, distract it from ugly thoughts.

I asked this question because there are lots of different opinions on this. Personally, I think "not looking" and "lowering the gaze" are two different statements. However, generally these verses are taken as "do not look". As for "free-mixing" are there any ayats in the Quran that forbid this ?


Salam ilker,

Even i like watching TV and movies..:)...its only entertainment...but we should not indulge too much in it that we forget to worship God...even i watch TV whenever i dont want to take tensions or want to has become a part of our life...:)...and you should not think wont be able to fight shaitan...whenever you have some disturbing thoughts...just seek refuge in will be may take some time...but will be able to fight it...coz..i had same do not want to think about the things happening in world and stressing myself..but shaitan knows that...its my it made me think about it again and again...and i prayed to God...and Thanks to God..i dont think much now...:) i would suggest you too should seek refuge from God...:)...

There are no ayats regarding free-mixing...Islam itself does not prohibit us from mingling...but we should be careful of not doing anything unlawful...according to me...the more you forbid things...more people will do it out of curiosity...just save yourself from unlawful things and enjoy the life and thank God for everything...dont think too much..:)...
