why do angels always appear as males in the Quran ?

Started by ilker, June 06, 2016, 06:19:32 AM

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assalamu alaikum guys.

I know angels are no like humans, who have gender. In 43:19, people claimed angels were females and ALLAH says they will be questioned.

When we read about Prophet Lut (also Prophet Ibrahim) and also about our mother Maryam in 19:17 (peace be upon them all), the angels who appeared to them were always in male form.

Do you have any opinions on this ?




Maybe because society at that time valued male opinion more. Even today there are socities where female voices and opinions are not heard or given any importance. These apparitions of angels ( if u r talking about Gabriel, There is evidence that He might not be an angel, read brother Joseph's informative article about this), anyhow these apparitions happened for a reason, to give messages from God, and these messages would be heard by people in a social setting where men and their opinions mattered more. Even today, monotheistic religions like Christianity, Judaism and Islam is propagated by mostly males and female opinion is discarded, u can imagine why God who knows human nature more than we do would have asked angels to take the form of a male person! Even Prophets were males because of this very reason I believe, because revealing a revelation to a woman would not have been accepted as widely in society at that time, and also females were restricted from partaking in many aspects of middle eastern society ( all of the above monotheistic faiths were revealed in middle east) and this situation prevails.

But, whatever I have told u now, is a speculation, the reason behind this phenomenon is not given in the Quran! What I told u is my take on the matter and I might be wrong and I seek forgiveness from Allah for that. These sort of questions do not have answers, except God chose to do so!
Not all those who wander are lost - J.R.R. Tolkien


salam Nura. thanks for the answer. Alhamdulillah a good one.


Not all those who wander are lost - J.R.R. Tolkien


Asalamu Alykum brothers and sisters

When I read verse 19:17 I understand it that God did not describe it being a male or female. It is simply saying that the spirit took a form of a human being. Arabic term Basharan. Basharan is a term used for both male and female. It is obviously unknown if it was a male or female. It appeared to our mother Mary in a form of a human being. I take it when they translate it to english as man is because man does not always mean male. It speaks of the human race in general.

19:17 And had chosen seclusion from them. Then We sent unto her Our Spirit and it assumed for her the likeness of a perfect man(Basharan)(human).

23:33 ...This is only a mortal(basharan) like you, who eateth of that whereof ye eat and drinketh of that ye drink.
14:11 Their messengers said to them, "We are only men(basharun) like you...

The terms used for male and female is "thakarin" and "ontha"

49:13 O mankind! Lo! We have created you male(thakarin) and female(ontha), and have made you nations and tribes that ye may know one another. Lo! the noblest of you, in the sight of Allah, is the best in conduct. Lo! Allah is Knower, Aware.

God knows best

Wishing you all a blessed and productive Ramadan Insha'Allah  :)



Salam Hamzeh

Thank you for an answer that is even clearer
Not all those who wander are lost - J.R.R. Tolkien