"...down from the skies water.."

Started by Abdurrahman, October 10, 2016, 03:04:12 PM

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Peace be with You All,
al-Anfaal", The Almighty says:
"wa yunazzala alayikum min as-samaa'i maa'an li yutahhirakum bihi wa yuzhib 'ankum rijzan li shayitaani wa li yarbit 'ala qulubikum wa yuthabbit bihi al-aqdaam".

"And he sends down from the skies water by which to cleanse you and remove from you the filth of shayitaan and make firm your hearts and your footsteps".

My question is;
How should we understand the meaning of this verse?
Which is clear "the water" means totally other thing here!

Thanks in advance

God bless you all and may He continue to increase you all in knowledge (and wisdom) of his scripture(s)