Asalamu Alykum
Although I think these question are more applicable to law and the agreements behind each situation I'll try to answer them to my best of knowledge and humble opinion in the general sense
1. Is it a sin to share a movie u bought with ur friends?
If its a hard copy movie, then you must give that same hard copy movie that was purchased. If its a software that you paid for and downloaded, you must lend them your computer or where ever it was downloaded.
Thats in considering that the movie has stated there is no copy rights.
2. Is it a sin to photocopy a book for ur own benefit?
If there is no copy rights then you probably cannot photocopy the whole book. If you photocopy bits and pieces I suppose you must say where it came from. But if you are using it for studying or something similar and then trashing them that may be different. If your going to photocopy the book and sell it then that would be stealing someone else's information in that book when you only had permission to buy one copy. You may possibly sell your copy that would be considered buying/selling or business.
3. Is it a sin to just copy a thing when original is still available to the owner, which u are defining as theft?
That depends on the agreement of buying that original. If it states no copying then you cannot. Can someone copy money just because they have the originals?
4. Can you express suitable verse from quran about this issue?
Well the Quran many places asks us to fulfill our agreements and to be upright.
2:177(part) fulfil the contracts which ye have made...
23:8 And who are shepherds of their pledge and their covenant,
17:34 Come not near the wealth of the orphan save with that which is better till he come to strength; and keep the covenant. Lo! of the covenant it will be asked.5. Isnt it tantamount to sin when u download a material and sell it to market and profit from it? What would u call this act? Isnt this pure immoral act?
If you download a material that has there mark on it and it states you cannot resell it, then I assume its there property. I am not to sure what the laws of the internet exactly are but it really depends if its free or not. If the material is free and you can sell it to make a profit then that again would be arguably business/trade.
6. Does it change the owner of material for which copyright exist principally?
The material or information would not change. But the hardcopy or downloaded copy would be rightfully owned by who ever bought it. That means only what he/she actually bought would be rightfully theirs.
7. Did u copy homework of other class that doesnt belong to you or u didnt pay for it?
Well if it had a copy right protection on it then it would of been not right. If there was no copy right protection then you may copy it.
8. Is driving a car without license a sin?
This questions seems to be a part of law. One must realize that citizens are obligated to follow the law. If one is living in a country then arguably one has accepted the law of the land and has taken allegiance.
There is a suggestion in the Quran that Prophet Joseph had abided by the kings laws 12:76.
9. Is it a sin to copy article from this forum?Brother Joseph has generously and respectively allowed people to share his works on certain conditions. May Allah(swt) reward him tremendously for his efforts Insha'Allah.
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Joseph A Islam
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As for livelihood, every software owner were paid before taking over the software by company. This is the primary rule of spreading software from its founder. Company is also have good benefits now a days. So ultimately rightful owner got paid in first session.
There is times where a company may
buy all the rights and then they become owners of that material and they may put copyrights I assume.
Those are my thoughts
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