LINK TO THE ORIGINAL THREAD Joseph Islam , On God's Earth, Monday, December 26, 2011, 05:13 (3 hours, 55 minutes ago) @ Ali Noor Atlanta
Peace Ali Noor.
Verses 2:62 and 5:69 talk about belief in one God, the Last Day (as it should be understood) and those that work good deeds. They will have no fear (khawf) or need to grieve (hazina). This is about salvation and their reward (ajr) on the Day of Judgment.
Verse 22:17 is more about final judgment, distinction, distinguishing and appropriate explanation (fasala) which rests only with God and not necessarily salvation. Please note that the 'majusa' (magians) and 'mushrikeen' (polytheists) are also explicitly mentioned in this verse which is absent from the above two.
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George Orwell
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