Make Islam Great Again

Started by wanderer, December 07, 2016, 03:30:12 PM

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Firstly, so sorry for the long wait in between posts. I have finals in a couple days, so my writing time has been stretched thin. However, I am proud of this new article. It summarizes a lot of my personal political thoughts that I have alluded to in previous posts.
Enjoy, like and follow.
Rather, We dash the truth upon falsehood, and it destroys it, and thereupon it departs. And for you is destruction from that which you describe. (21:18)


Salamu alykum Wanderer

There is a lot of truth in your article brother.

Where does one start?

Who is blocking your ideas to come to a start? Is it the secular party or your own people?

How are you going to even start discussing unity and Islamic economics and policies when your own people do not agree on the same platform or foundation?

Does this all start with our ownselves and leave the rest to the Lord?

What do the Muslims living in the west do?
What do the Muslims in the midst of opressions and war do as they get slaughtered?

Is some group just using our own weaknesses and faults to show up in the spotlight so that those who are more learnt have no excuse to speak?

One thing for sure as you stated it will not be easy.



First thing to do as I stated in my article would be to begin fostering reconciliation between Muslim sects. This does not mean ignoring theological differences, but rather, coming to a common understanding. Second, we need to resume intensive study of the Quran and begin formulating a workable mode of governance for the 21th century. We should also begin forming organizations to campaign for these causes. The only ones I can think of are Hizb ut-Tahrir and Muslim Brotherhood, both of which are largely ineffectual. Lastly, we can begin revolution across the Muslim world.
Like I said, this will take decades, if not centuries, but it is never to early to start. How should we proceed now? Firstly, begin studies of the Quran. Rally as many people as you can to the cause. Disseminate literature, and so forth. Social media was practically built for this kind of stuff. The communities we form may seem small at first, but they will evolve. Try donating to help oppressed Muslim minorities worldwide: Palestinians, Rohingya, Uygur and Han Chinese, Shiites in ISIS territory. Small steps. Will be writing earnestly about this soon as I have the time.
Rather, We dash the truth upon falsehood, and it destroys it, and thereupon it departs. And for you is destruction from that which you describe. (21:18)