About music...kindly clear it please...

Started by Anjum, December 21, 2016, 08:32:26 PM

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Salam All,

Some people claim that...that the fundamental constituents of music are words/speeches/acts or behaviors. The prohibition awaited at the message-level. There wouldn't be music without words or messages.

Prohibition is any thing (words/acts/messages etc)which negate  or invalidate any of the verses in the Quran.

Identifying prohibitions Qur'anic ally could either be
1. Directly Stated (Words for Words)

2. Deductively: In the the Qur'an, God did not prohibits ' Sperm Donations'. But deductively, these acts negated the verses on kinship as it severed the line of kinship we are commanded to honour.33:4-5

Any word be it in Musical format or speech which contains some or any element of shrik or bad words is prohibited for a believer.14:24-26., 5:17. as they are noted down for us even if we overlooked them.50:17-18, 82:10-12.

For instance, if a music has an element of 5:17 can believers follow such rhythm as music was not prohibited?

I so much love music but I could not see just one music which does not riot with a Quranic verse.

So according to the above...does that mean...songs are prohibited or something like that..we do listen to songs...its not necessary that..it may contain good words all the time...and according to this article by brother Joseph...http://quransmessage.com/articles/poetry%20FM3.htm poetry is not much supported by Quran...so it would be better if we keep it away from us...now..i wanted to know...usually a poem is composed as a song...does that mean that...we should distant ourselves from songs or music too?...are all kind of poems prohibited?...I usually write some poems...not to offend someone or something like that...just enjoy writing a poem on current situations or love or country...are such poems also not allowed?...

M sorry if am asking the same thing which has been discussed already...

Kindly clear it guys...



Salam Sister Anjum

Music or poetry is not banned per se, it depends on the content, basically it is a very subjective choice, generally, a song or a poetry is a reflection of the writer's thoughts and beliefs, freedom of expression gives everyone the right to write down their thoughts in these art forms. Dissipation of these songs and poems is regulated by a country's judicial system. Generally, books and songs are banned by governments, many countries ban movies and songs that they deem wrongful on any level.
Now, when it comes to personal consumption of such literary or creative content, you have to exercise your own choice, if some music or poem is going to give rise to sinful thoughts or action, then you should personally curtail your  involvement in consumption of such songs or poems. It depends honestly, on how you are effected by these poems or songs. If, you do not get effected then, let it be.
Not all those who wander are lost - J.R.R. Tolkien


Salam Sister Nura,

Thank you very much for your reply...Well books and songs are not banned from my government though..well...i dont think m going to commit a sin by listening to some songs..i guess...
Sister..i do not get affected by them..like..i m not going to do some sin just because of listening to some song or writing poem...
When i m alone at home...i listen to music and songs...But sometimes...when i pray...those songs keep playing in my mind...i try my best to avoid it..i know...its shaitan's doing...i jus struggle hard to concentrate and i continue my prayer...
M i committing a sin or mistake here?
Kindly clear it please..
