Application of Sharia

Started by Amira, January 30, 2017, 04:56:50 PM

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Salam everyone,

What are your views regarding the Quran's position on separation of church/mosque and state? Although the Quran clearly mandates certain laws regarding divorce, punishment for theft and prostitution, and other crimes, it's not entirely clear exactly whom those verses apply to. The Quran is said to be a guidance for those who believe (2:2), so would said verses apply to Muslims only?

Jordan uses a type of governance where Muslims and Christians have separate courts for civil arbitration. Is this in line with the Quran?
"Narrated Buraydah ibn al-Hasib: I heard the Apostle of Allah say: In eloquence there is magic, in knowledge ignorance, and in poetry wisdom"

"Historically, what is or isn't mainstream (in Islam) has always been a function of power, not of truth." (Iyad El-Baghdadi, Arab Spring activist)


I realize this is an ancient discussion, but I haven't reached a legitimate conclusion. I'm not looking to debate with anyone, merely to find an actual answer. :)
"Narrated Buraydah ibn al-Hasib: I heard the Apostle of Allah say: In eloquence there is magic, in knowledge ignorance, and in poetry wisdom"

"Historically, what is or isn't mainstream (in Islam) has always been a function of power, not of truth." (Iyad El-Baghdadi, Arab Spring activist)


I think you already know my views on the matter. I'll elaborate on them later, seeing as I don't have time now. I guess you could draw a parallel between Jews and Christians having their own sy stem and the Quran telling them to judge by their own books. This was also utilized under the classical dhmmi system
Rather, We dash the truth upon falsehood, and it destroys it, and thereupon it departs. And for you is destruction from that which you describe. (21:18)


I want you to inform that there is a widely misconception of the term sharia as you mentioned how to apply certain Things according to Quran .

But Shari'a is based on 1.Quran
                                  2.Sunna or better said hadith
