Serious conflicts about the official "revelation order"

Started by selim, April 13, 2017, 12:26:49 AM

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Surah 68, so called 2nd in revelation order:

Where are the "fables of the ancients" (68:15)? Only two surahs have been revealed (96+68) but we don't see storied of old. Only in the 3rd revealed surah, we hear about the Pharaoh, however, there are no mentions of who he actually is or why he is a transgressor. Look closely at 68:1; what the pen writes (yasturoona) is a witness. The word "fables" in 68:15 (asateeru) comes from the same root. We cannot deny there is a close link between the two. So, pen of Muhammad should have written much more than just two surahs at this point.

Surah 73, so called 3rd in revelation order:

The prophet and some believers spend the night awake, studying the book. Where is the "book"? Do they study three very short surahs for hours? Yes, substantial saying /workload is to be out upon him yet, but this doesn't refute that. This ayat seems to be revealed when a hefty portion of the book is revealed already. You know, it's not arithmetical as if you study 200 days to learn 200 pages of the book and another 400 days to learn the remaining 400 pages. The workload must escalate more than that. He is going to relate the surahs, make a mental "index" of subjects, connect the parts of stories that are narrated piece by piece, restudy the book in its entirety and so on.

Surah 1, so called 5th in revelation order:

Okay, this is a rather weak evidence. The only surahs with a beginning that resembles a direct answer to the prayer (which is the Opening surah) seems 2, 7, 10, 14 and 18. These have a revelation order of 87, 39, 51, 72, and 69 respectively. Way too far apart from the fifth revelation, isn't it? Note that I'm not claiming that the first surah came first and second surah second.

So, what do you think? I especially would like to know what Joseph thinks. Thank you.


Br. Joseph does not accept the validity of traditional sources, and therefore does not accept the traditional dates of revelation given, if you were looking for his opinion.
Rather, We dash the truth upon falsehood, and it destroys it, and thereupon it departs. And for you is destruction from that which you describe. (21:18)

Joseph Islam

As-salamu alaykum

My view is shared below:


I hope this helps, God willing.

'During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act' 
George Orwell