Peace duster
I agree with you. This is that verse
Then We made Our messengers follow them one after the other, then We sent after them ‘Īsā, the son of Maryam (Jesus, son of Mary), and gave him the Injīl, and placed compassion and mercy in the hearts of his followers. As for monasticism, it was invented by them; We did not ordain it for them, but (they adopted it) to seek Allah’s pleasure, then could not observe it as was due. So We gave the believers from among them their reward. And many of them are sinners.
ALLAH doesn't however condemn or prohibit it (unless he does in other verses). Also, one can be devoted to God and seek a profession in a charity, hospitals or feeding the poor and look after children by adopting orphans. All this without the need for monasticism.
I used to associate worship with consistent and constant prayer but every other verse I read in the Quran God is consistently reminding us to strive for his cause of good deeds, alms giving, and prayer. Then another verse (sorry I can't remember what one) clearly says you can stay at home (mountain for a monastic) and pray a lot but you won't be rewarded as much as the one that goes out and strives in God's cause. With a full time job and kids I can vouch for the very little out of work striving in God's cause I do.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that the normal worldly life we take for granted is just there to distract us from the true purpose of life and I appreciate and admire those that sacrifice this life's attachments for higher ranks in the hereafter and even more for those that do it solely for the love of God.
Peace and Thanks