Question about lunar or solar calendar

Started by miracle114, October 02, 2017, 02:06:31 PM

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Does the Quran support a lunar or a solar calendar?
If the word "day" is mentioend 365 times in the Quran, would that imply a support for a solar calendar?
A solar calendar would mean ramadhan falling during the September equinox hence eveyone globally fasts the same hours, which does make sense.


Shalom / peace miracle114.....

I'm very wary of claims like these from Muslims ..... Are we really sure that the word day is mentioned 365 times? Have any or many of us checked these claims or do we accept on face value ????? ...... I know the link below is from really avid critics who are against Islam .....  but if he / she is right ..... then these claims only make Muslims look that they lack credibility .. What are your thoughts on this???


Also this article may be relevant ......



Salaam/shalom duster
I apologise I haven't verified it and I should have.
I don't usually pay any attention to the Quranic math because the signs around me are enough.
I'll go ahead and read your links.

Regards and peace