Lesson In Contentment And Satisfaction.

Started by Abu Hafsat, June 14, 2017, 09:30:29 PM

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Abu Hafsat

 As-Salaam alaikum,
It was once said to Abu Bakr Siddiq, the first Caliph, may Allah be pleased with him, (during an illness), "Shall we call a physician for you"? to which he replied: He has already seen me."

It was then said to him, "What did He say to you''? He replied, "...Verily, I do as I please".   And Usman, may Allah be pleased with him, asked Abdullah Ibn Mas'ud in his sickness, "What is your complaint?"  He replied: "the Mercy of Allah." It was then said to him, "Shall we not call a physician for you?" to which he replied: "the physician is the one who made me sick."

All this is explained in the light of Ayat 119 of Surat Ma'eda of the Holy Qur'an which reads:--


Thus when we are contented, satisfied with Allah Almighty, we relinquish all choice(s) and should anticipate Decrees of Allah Almighty with joy..... especially noting that He is the Arranger of all affairs (mudabbir amr), Tabaraka Wa Ta'ala.  One must never rsepond to Allah's bitter Decrees with either stoic indifference or dejectedness and despair. We must realize that the choice of Allah Most High is better than our choice for ourselves, since there are consequences for events which we do not anticipate in our short shortsightedness

See more on this in:
"BOOK OF RESOLUTION AND RETURN TO ALLAH", by Sheikh Muhasibi (d. 857).