What is the sign witnessed by prophet Muhammad?

Started by miracle114, December 25, 2017, 06:18:28 PM

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Salaam all
In Verse 53:10-18 Allah the Almighty narrates the witnessing of a great sign which I have understood to be the second descent of Gabriel by a lote tree within/from the heavens/skies.
My question is did prophet muhammad witness this within the realms of this life or not?
A traditional view depicts this narration to be part of a journey to Janna and a meeting with Allah the Almighty.
Is the narration not simply a "sign" as narrated by God Almighty? Must it be part of a bigger story that requires a wider scholarship?

Peace and regards

Joseph Islam

Wa alaikum assalam Miracle114,

Does the following article go some way to answer your question?


'During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act' 
George Orwell


Salaam all,

Prophet Moses asks 'My Lord, show Yourself to me so that I may look at you' but God says you cannot see Me. Moses was granted only speech with the Creator. Yet Muhammad was granted talking to Him in person which seems to be a distinction per traditional Muslims. Basically, there are two groups: one group maintaining that the Ascension was in spirit and in body, and the other group maintaining that it was performed by his spirit, while his body did not leave its place.
53:18 truly did he see some of the most profound of his Sustainers symbols.

Quran does not provide information on Ascension but the Prophet's Night Journey from Mecca to Jerusalem shows that Islam is not a new doctrine but a continuation of the same divine message which was preached by the previous prophets, who had Jerusalem as their spiritual base.

Hope for Peace
"Hope is like a bird that senses the dawn and carefully starts to sing while it is still dark"


Salaam and Jzk brother Joseph
I will have a read of your article soon Insha Allah.

Salaam Hope
Jzk for the reminder.
I believe Allah the Almighty has said in a verse that he favored some prophets/messengers over others so would this not mean that he can communicate interact or inspire on different levels with them?
53:18 is a key verse but does not elude to what signs or whether in this realm or other. I have heard some pretty scary traditional narrations of punishment witnessed and although I used to discount them before I believe there might be some truth whatever little however inaccurate as it seems to draw some parallel with a verse (can't recall which) where Allah says the prophet witnessed some of these punishments (please correct me if I am wrong) and knowing that Allah the Almighty is the most severe in punishment it is not inconceivable that his punishments could drive our fear levels to max, which I now personally believe to be the ultimate barometer to what grounds us and keeps us free from sin Insha Allah.

Peace and regards



Note that 17:1 does not say Jerusalem. It says "al masjid al aqsa" which literally means "the farthest mosque" or "the farthest place of prostration". There was no Al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem at the time of Muhammad. This was built by the Ummayad ruler Abd al-Malik more than 70 years after Muhammad's death. 17:1 was possibly associated with Jerusalem for political reasons, to allow the Ummayad rulers assert their authority over Jerusalem, and build the Masjid here.

I believe the "farthest place of prostration", where 17:1 says Muhammad was shown some of God's signs, is the same as the place where he is mentioned in 53:18 as having been shown great signs  (and described in 53:11-18). There was only one journey, according to the Quran, from Masjid Al Haram, to this far away (aqsa) place in the universe, where he was shown the signs.




53:18 is often linked to 17:1 but may or may not be the case. Analysis of 17:1 here.
Verify for yourself. www.Misconceptions-About-Islam.com