Started by Beyond Tradition, June 02, 2018, 06:20:52 PM

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Beyond Tradition

Dear Brother Joseph Islam,
As-Salamualikum ,

Hope you are in peach and happiness by the grace of the God.
I am in big problem . I can not take decision if I should have my wife to restrict permanently for birth a child .
She already gave birth 3 child within 12 years our marital life . All the time she had to take surgery at the time of delivery .
Her health will never allow for conceiving intentionally or unintentionally in the future . She has high pressure and physically not remain good all the time . Though we were practicing temporary birth control method but it may cause for incident again . When situation like this
should I have my wife to take permanent protection of not conceiving any more . Pls give me your humble thought in this matter in Quran's perspective.

Beyond Tradition.   

QM Moderators Team

Beyond Tradition.

Can you please stop repeating your questions and posting them on incorrect sections of the forum.

Your question has already been answered by brother Joseph here: