What is Yusala in 13:21?

Started by Student, June 15, 2018, 03:49:53 AM

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Salaamun Alayka,
Dear Sir Joseph,

What is Yusala in 13:21? Most interpret it as joining family ties/kinship, are they correct? If not what's your understanding? This one being Amrullah and twinned with God's covenant, I'm wondering if there's more or perhaps something completely different?

~ Student


Dear Student,

As-salaam alaikum,

See below my understanding of the verse in question. Hopefully Br. Joseph will share his understanding when available.

"And those who join (yaswiluna) that which Allah has ordered to be joined (yuswala) and fear their Lord and are afraid of the evil of [their] account." (Qur'an, Ar-Ra'd 13:21)

'Yuswala/yaswiluna' from verb 'waswala' or root 'Waw-Saad-Lam' would simply mean join/enjoin/take hold onto, reach/ reach for, deliver/convey. See a reference below:

'Waw-Saad-Lam' - attain, reach, connect, apply, make close, to come/deliver/convey, to continue, union (of companions/friends/lovers)' [1]

If we read verse 13:21 as continuation of the description of the character of those who 'ascertain the truth of the revelation,' (13:19), we see such a people as 'those endowed with understanding, who fulfill the promise to God, and do not violate the covenant, who fear their Lord, dread the dire Reckoning, patiently seek the countenance of their Lord, pray regularly, spend from the provision from their God, secretly and openly, and repel evil with good'(13:19-22).

Taking cue of the contrast made between them and those of 13:25 and 2:27, we see the other group as those who do 'violate their promise to God after a prior covenant, and sever that which has been commanded to be joined/taken hold of, and spread corruption.'

In my humble view, I see that which is commanded to be joined/taken hold of, as enjoined by the first group (13:21) and shunned by the second group (13:25/2:27) as having to do with the covenant (meethaqun) that was formerly promised to be joined/taken hold of. Consequently, I would briefly understand such a covenant/joint promise as comprised of such commandments as '... fear their Lord, dread the dire Reckoning, patiently seek the countenance of their Lord, pray regularly, spend from the provision from their God, secretly and openly, and repel evil with good.' (Q)

A similar illustration of such a covenant can be seen with the Children of Israel who violated it (2:63-64).

Thus, in my opinion, I would be disinclined to interpret such a 'yuswala/ yaswiluna' as restrictively linked to 'joining family ties/kinship' which would consequently seem to be an unwarranted narrowing of the wide import of such a term as appears in those verses. Otherwise, the 'kinship ties' can still be a part of the wider scope of 'all those social and civil relations that are conducive to the correct and right conduct of collective human life.' [2] This would form the social setup of those who enjoin that which has to be enjoined (Q).

Hopefully that slightly helps.



[1].  LANE. E.W, Edward Lanes Lexicon, Williams and Norgate 1863; Librairie du Liban Beirut-Lebanon 1968, Volume 8, Page 3054
[2]. Towards Understanding the Quran, Surah Ar-Ra'd 13:19-26.


walekumu salaam,
Dear Athman,

Thanks for the detail response. Yes, it is really helpful and make a lot of sense. It could also perhaps start with the very first covenant of ours when we all said Qalu Bala!

Jazak Allah Khair.
~ Student


Dear Student,


Of course, I think I do agree with your opinion. That appears to collectively be the case.

Verses 7:172-173 - from which appears to be a summary of all covenants to mankind, some of which are detailed from the previous narratives in that 'surah,' among Prophet Nuh's (pbuh) people, Aad, Thamud, Prophet Lut's (pbuh) people, Median, and Prohet Musa's (pbuh) people, (7:59-171) - capture our 'yes,' that is, 'Qalu, balaa' (7:172). It seems to point to some 'amanat' which we accepted to 'carry' - 'hamala' in our previous primeval existence (33:72). Verses 7:181-182 also seem to actually point to the main two categories of people that would always be formed in a given community for some given covenant via a sent messenger. That is, those who would 'adjoin' to the truth of the revelation (7:181) and those who would deny the revelations (7:182), hence 'disjoin' themselves from such a covenant.

