Is marriage enjoined on adult believers?

Started by Student, May 22, 2018, 08:20:21 AM

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Salaamun Alaykum,

Ramadan Mubarak to all.

I've searched the whole forum (and articles) but couldn't find a thread involving Sir Joseph Islam view/thought on someone raising or addressing this question:

Is marriage enjoined on adult (able and potent) believers by the Quran in the ayah 24:32?

I find these two threads raising exact same question but no input from Sir Joseph:

Sir Joseph,

I really appreciate if you could spare few minutes and share your thoughts on this question?
~ Student

Joseph Islam

Dear Student,

Wa alaikum assalam and Ramadan Mubarak to you too.

Particularly with regards the first thread you share, I haven't felt the need to respond as other members of this forum have in my humble opinion, satisfactory addressed the query.

Similarly, please also kindly take note that there are often many such threads where I see no value to comment as I feel the discussions have adequately addressed the question(s) raised.

'During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act' 
George Orwell


Thank you so very much Sir. Sorry for bothering you, the reason I solicit your input is because of your command on the Arabic grammar among many other things  :) and although many times the other respected members share their opinions correctly (as in this case sister Seraphina) I wouldn't know the basis of their argument.  So, for this question and in this ayah 24:32 the imperative command (وَأَنْكِحُوا) does not cover all believers who are financially able? God went on to cover/solace the poor saying He will enrich them (implying: so they get married). Grammatically looking at it I see no room for remaining single life long - am I wrong? Is God telling believers to practice self-restraint (4:25) and extend it to life-long if they want/able to maintain their chastity?

Does 3:39 (and 57:27) lends support to remaining celibate if one wants/choose or inclined naturally to? I see celibate as one of the meaning of Hasura for Prophet Yahya AS.

Kindly elaborate.

Thank you and Jazak Allah Khairan.
~ Student