Dear Br. Duster,
Thanks for your input above. I do agree that marriage is a process and one is not expected to set out to create just a ‘partial’ marital bond as Br. Joseph states in the thread above. However, I understand ‘full’ or ‘partial’ marital bonds as terms we refer to those statuses of a marriage situation that come about as a result of attainment or lack of attainment of some expected/required reservations, especially when considering a consensual annulment of the bond.
On the other hand, I see a ‘solemn covenant’ - meethaqan galedhan (4:21) to be established at the point of pronouncement of marriage. To the effect, with 2:234 and 2:240, I don’t see ‘yadharuna azwajan’ as necessarily widows who have undergone a whole marriage process but essentially those formerly having been wedded. The restrictive 2 conditions of marriage consummation and dowry obligation are neither mentioned in the above verses though they do find address with the divorce case (2:237, 33:49). This is despite that particular discourse of chapter 2 addressing both scenarios – ‘divorce’ and ‘widowhood.’
Therefore, in an effort to get the best deduction (39:18, 39:55) as you suggest, I see it possible importing the wisdom imparted by the divorce case especially with regards the 2 conditions above. On the other hand, with no specific address to the 2 conditions by the Qur’anic verses dealing with the ‘widowhood’ case, and considering it is a non-consensual inevitable termination of the marriage by death, I find it a different scenario to be approached somehow differently.
You shared:
‘Its like a man falling dead during the Nikaah process or straight after he makes his vows... the marriage isn't complete until consummation’
I think this is a somehow similar case though remotely acute as compared to the one above. With regards completeness of marriage, I do hope you would appreciate my understanding of a ‘solemn covenant’ above especially as regards ‘when’ it is legally valid, as contrasted to ‘full’ & ‘partial’ marital bond statuses which seem to considered when consensually annulling a marriage.
Looking forward to further insights into the matter.