Multiple Questions to Brother Joseph - Salah, Mecca and Ka'aba

Started by Reader Questions, June 04, 2018, 08:37:54 PM

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Reader Questions

Salaamun Alaikum Brother

I hope you are doing well and I would like to thank you for the great work you have been doing for the believers and for trying to get the true message out there.

I have a few questions that I have come to after my awakening to the truth and thought maybe you could help me find the truth in this matter.

1. Does the meaning of Salaat actually mean what we have been led to believe by previous generations of muslims that have been corrupted by false hadiths? Is there in fact no actual ritualistic Salaat persae?

2. Question 1 has led me to this scary question and some other findings, namely It seems as if Bhukari was decendant from Zoroastrian pagans and they had their ritualistic prayers which are the same number 5 times a day, with the exact same timings during the course of the day.

After my research I believe that he was part of a plan to dupe the muslims into false pagan worship while they thought they were actually following our prophet and his teachings and the Quran.

In line with this and the thesis that Petra in Jordon is actually the true Bacca and not Mecca....... this also leads to the biggest and hardest thing to possibly consider.

"Is the Kaaba actually an Idol that we have been fooled into worshipping for the last 1000+ years?

I have been looking for any information that corroborates the above, which I believe to be the truth after days of perpetual researching.

I hope you can help me with any information you may have to assist me in answering these questions.

Salaamun Alaikum brother and may God always bless you and your family and may we all meet in Jannah one day.

Joseph Islam

Wa alaikum assalam

Please kindly see my responses in black to your questions in brown italics below:

1. Does the meaning of Salaat actually mean what we have been led to believe by previous generations of muslims that have been corrupted by false hadiths? Is there in fact no actual ritualistic Salaat persae?

From a Quranic perspective, I have strongly and prolifically argued that ritual prayer is a fundamental tenet supported by the Scripture. Please see sections on Prayers below



2. Question 1 has led me to this scary question and some other findings, namely It seems as if Bhukari was decendant from Zoroastrian pagans and they had their ritualistic prayers which are the same number 5 times a day, with the exact same timings during the course of the day.

After my research I believe that he was part of a plan to dupe the muslims into false pagan worship while they thought they were actually following our prophet and his teachings and the Quran.

This has little to do with the Quranic perspective of prayer which I have already argued exhaustively.

Furthermore, please kindly see an article below which negates the commonly held notion in some Quranist circles that the ritual prayer was invented later.


In line with this and the thesis that Petra in Jordon is actually the true Bacca and not Mecca....... this also leads to the biggest and hardest thing to possibly consider.

"Is the Kaaba actually an Idol that we have been fooled into worshipping for the last 1000+ years?

From a Quranic perspective, there is no support for this view. Please see articles below including the 'Related articles' cited at the bottom of the article:


I have been looking for any information that corroborates the above, which I believe to be the truth after days of perpetual researching.

There are those that have spent lifetimes researching this. I would humbly share that intellectual endeavour is an ongoing pursuit, one which is not necessarily restricted to a few days of continuous research.

I hope you can help me with any information you may have to assist me in answering these questions.

Salaamun Alaikum brother and may God always bless you and your family and may we all meet in Jannah one day.


I hope this helps, God willing

'During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act' 
George Orwell