Wa alaikum assalam Baandaar,
In my humble view, it is clear from the Quran that there is:
- A partial marital bond
- A full marital bond
In the main, to create a
full marriage / marital bond between two consenting parties in the presence of witnesses (2:282), the following must also be fulfilled:
- Bridal due
- Consummation of marriage
This is a pre-requisite for a full marital bond where complete marriage obligations apply.For example, if the bridal due was fixed, but the marriage was not consummated and divorce was pronounced, then only
half the dower would be due unless forgone out of choice (2:236). If there was no bridal due fixed, then there would be
no further obligation other than to part amicably and with a good provision (33:49).
If there was no consummation of marriage, then there would be
no ‘Iddat’ (waiting period) applicable (2:236).
As you can see from the
restricted obligations if (1) or (2) are absent, there is a
partial and a
full marital bond.
Any reference to a bridal due being a pre-requisite would be to establish a
full marital bond and
not a partial one. Both the bridal due and the consummation of marriage seals this marital bond after which, full marital obligations apply without restrictions.
I trust that clarifies, God willing
REFERENCES:[1] NIKAAH - THE CONTRACT OF MARRIAGEhttp://quransmessage.com/articles/nikaah%20FM3.htm[2] ISLAMIC DIVORCE ACCORDING TO THE QURANhttp://quransmessage.com/articles/divorce%20FM3.htm