Can all the hajj rites be performed anytime during the 4 sacred months ?

Started by miracle114, April 10, 2018, 01:14:48 AM

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Can I perform hajj anytime during the 4 months?
Will all the hajj rites be accessible ?



Quote from: miracle114 on April 10, 2018, 01:14:48 AM
Can I perform hajj anytime during the 4 months?

As per Quran it seems so, but I'd be interested to know how you'd determine when those months are.

Will all the hajj rites be accessible ?

It will depend on what you consider the hajj rites to be. Here is my summary:

occurs within the ashur(plural of shahr) well known i.e. the four inviolable/restricted months [2:197, 9:2-5]
the crescent/new moons are used as set times for it [2:189]

the principal requirement: the position of the shelter and of those hosting it is that nothing is associated with God i.e. monotheism [22:26, 22:31]
can take place at a shelter wherein this criteria is met [3:96, 22:26]
done for God [3:97, 2:196]
during this time there is an amnesty/truce in place if there are warring parties (self-defence is still allowed however) [9:2, 2:191]
this type of event will nurture a sense of brotherhood amongst monotheists/believers, provide opportunity to witness benefits, remember/mention/thank/magnify God, spend in the way of God and do good [2:195-198, 9:18-20, 22:25-28, 22:35]

it is open to all mankind (who are willing to abide by the laws of the land) - for whoever is able to make a way to it [3:97, 9:18, 22:27]
if you wish to go but are prevented then send whatever is easy of gift/offering (with a representative) - if unable to do this then one can redeem by way of abstinence/charity/sacrifice [2:196]

Undertaking HaJJ
for monotheists - those wishing to uphold the salat/bond and bring forth betterment [22:31, 22:35, 9:18, 9:28]
no sex/wrongdoing/quarreling - this may aid the positive atmosphere and one's spiritual experience [2:197]
bring provision [2:197]
one's state of mind should be piety/conscientiousness/forethoughtfulness/taqwa and sincere/straightforward [2:189, 2:197, 2:203, 22:32, 22:37]
can be done in 2 days but typically would be 3-10 days, and one's obligation is fulfilled after the act of animal slaughter and feeding those in need [2:200, 2:203, 22:29, 22:34]

if you enjoyed in the visit to the HaJJ then give whatever is easy of gift/offering - if unable then abstinence 3 days during + 7 when you return = 10 complete [2:196]

one may seek bounty (i.e. worldly benefit, e.g. trade), get to know one another, go about the place, remember/mention/thank/magnify God, if doing HaJJ slaughter an animal to eat and share with the needy [2:198, 2:200, 2:203, 22:28, 22:34, 22:36]

Verify for yourself.


Salaam Br. Wakas,

You asked "how you'd determine when those months are"

Do you think the following article provide accurate analysis in determining the Hajj months?

Regards and
~ Student



I had a quick read of that article and on first impressions it seems weak. For further reading, you may find this article interesting.
Verify for yourself.


Peace on you too.

The article is completely off the track from QM perspective, do you subscribe to this view wholly or in parts?

Or let me ask this: what are the four Hajj months and when is the month of Ramadan as per your understanding?
~ Student



Quote from: Student on July 03, 2018, 04:19:09 AM
Peace on you too.

The article is completely off the track from QM perspective, do you subscribe to this view wholly or in parts?

Or let me ask this: what are the four Hajj months and when is the month of Ramadan as per your understanding?

I will assume you read the article. From the phrasing of your question I'm unsure if you read it.

I do not really have a conclusion on the Quranic calendar system as I have not studied it in detail. I cited that link because it raises some interesting points.

The source article for that "al HJJ" summary states:
QuoteOne issue that was not covered in detail in this article was the timing of HaJJ (and/or the inviolable/restricted months) with regard to the Quranic calendar system, i.e. when during the year. This is an area for further research.

And lastly, I do not subscribe to QM perspective, or free-minds perspective etc. I try to go with what is most evidenced as best I can.
Verify for yourself.


Thanks Wakas for the clarification. Yes, I did read the article you kindly shared but the moment archaeology is used as evidence I lost interest. It's not only questioning but authoritatively dismissing Juma as a day, the week of Juma, the month of Ramadan and the whole lunar calendar system on the bases which are outside the Quran. "So what happens in the occasional years where we have 13 full-moons from one summer solstice to the next? The answer is that we simply do not count the 13th moon." Honestly, it is quite weaker than the one I shared.

Sir Joseph proposed 4 Hajj months as 12-3 (based on naming of the months, which is outside of the Quran)
Quranaloneislam proposed 4 Hajj months as 9-12 (based on math, which is inside the Quran even after ignoring the gematrical data)
free-minds doesn't propose 4 Hajj months at all

Why is it so difficult to ascertain when Quran is clear, precise, easy, full and detailed?

In the end I totally agree, blind subscription is not what one wants.
~ Student


I think you are somewhat misleading in your summary:

Quote from: Student on July 04, 2018, 12:48:50 AM

Quranaloneislam proposed 4 Hajj months as 9-12 (based on math, which is inside the Quran even after ignoring the gematrical data)

I assume by "based on math" you mean " al ashar al haram" is mentioned 4 times in Quran. This is completely irrelevant as to when in the year they occur. The other reasoning they used may be more sound however.

free-minds doesn't propose 4 Hajj months at all

That article proposes 4 full moons within which hajj can be done. This is essentially a time-period under a different guise. Months are based on moon cycles anyway, so it is not way off as one might think.

Why is it so difficult to ascertain when Quran is clear, precise, easy, full and detailed?

Multiple reasons.

In the end I totally agree, blind subscription is not what one wants.

I agree.
Verify for yourself.


Peace Wakas,

I can clarify the first two points but it seems unnecessary....however I would definitely like to know the reasons you think Quran did not make 4 Hajj months straight forward. Please kindly share and enlighten me.

~ Student


Salaam brother wakas
Jzk for you replies.
I have not any idea when sacred mths are but for arguments sake if we were to assume they were outside the stipulated 5 allocated official hajj days this would be problematic anyway wouldn't it? The issue is still whether all the rights be performed outside official hajj days 

Why is the sacred months unclear ? I mean surely God wants us all to undertake the hajj rights and making it unclear when the sacred months are would make that slightly unachievable.
Or perhaps we are all meant to strive to find what the real sacred mths are but then how does one prove it if its not straightforward from the Quran's perspective?
I found Joseph Islam's approach to be understandably uncomplicated and convincing and without myself putting any effort to see otherwise I cannot see another tenable argument.

I do however truly appreciate your highlighting in deatil all the verses in your first reply  for that I am truly greatful as I thought that was really awesome.jzk brother.

Kinds regards brother Jzk and peace