The numerical-semantical structure of the Quran.

Started by ibn_a, March 20, 2019, 11:19:36 PM

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Truth Seeker

Salaam ibn_a

I see from your article that the 114th you are counting is from Chapter 27:30

You said to me:

QuoteNo it is not a mistake, with all due respect, but I think that you confound what is scholarly named as:
  "THE BASMALAH / البسمله "  with "BISMI  ALLAH / بسم الله "

"THE BASMALAH / البسمله "   i.e       بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
has 19 letters and occurs 114 times in the Quran

But in 27:30 it is in the form of "BISMI  ALLAH / بسم الله " so this doesn't count towards your BASMALAH then?



Quote from: Truth Seeker on May 12, 2020, 11:41:46 PM
Salaam ibn_a

I see from your article that the 114th you are counting is from Chapter 27:30

You said to me:

QuoteNo it is not a mistake, with all due respect, but I think that you confound what is scholarly named as:
  "THE BASMALAH / البسمله "  with "BISMI  ALLAH / بسم الله "

"THE BASMALAH / البسمله "   i.e       بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
has 19 letters and occurs 114 times in the Quran

But in 27:30 it is in the form of "BISMI  ALLAH / بسم الله " so this doesn't count towards your BASMALAH then?

Salaam Truth Seeker,

The basmalah:
Bismi Allah Al-Rahmān Al-Rahīm  / بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Occurs in 27:30

والله اعلم
Allah knows best.



Quote from: ibn_a on August 15, 2019, 01:17:22 PM

    In the Quran the word Saqarسقر is related to number 19.

    74:26 I will cast him in / I shall cause him to endure "Saqar".

    74:27 And what could make thee conceive what "Saqar"is?

    74:28 It does not spare nor leave.

    74:29 Manifest/making visible to human beings / mortal man.

    74:30 Over it (are)nineteen.

    -The word Saqarسقر is mentioned 4 times in 4 verses in two chapters; chapter 54 Al-Qamar and chapter 74 Al-Mudaththir.

    54:48 On the Day when they shall be dragged into the fire on their faces( wujoohihim ),
              [they will be told:] "Taste now the touch of "Saqar""!"

    74:26 I will cast him in / I shall cause him to endure "Saqar".

    74:27 And what could make thee conceive what "Saqar" is?

    74:42 What has brought you into "Saqar"?

    1) - Between these two chapters, there are 19 chapters.

    54    55    56    57    58    59    60    61    62    63    64    65    66    67    68    69    70    71    72    73    74

    2) - The total words of the 4 verses where the word Saqar سقر is mentioned is 19 words.

chapter          number                                              verse text                                 
verse             of words
54:48         ( 9 words )     يوم    يسحبون    في    النار    علي    وجوههم    ذوقوا    مس    سقر

74:26         ( 2 words )                                                                                                                              ساصليه    سقر

74:27         ( 4 words )                                                                                                      و ما    ادريك    ما    سقر
74:42         ( 4 words )                                                                                                        ما    سلككم    في    سقر

    3) - The Arabic word Saqar سقر is composed of 3 letters: Seen س . Qaf ق . Ra ر .

    The sum of the occurrences of these 3 letters in the 4 verses is 19 times .

   Seen = 8 times

   Qaf  = 5 times

   Ra  = 6 times

    4) - The total letters of these 4 verses consist of 19 different letters.

ي   و    ه    ن    م    ل    ك    ق    ف    ع    ص    س    ر    ذ    د    ح    ج    ب    ا


    -The software to count verses , words and letters,....( Arabic)

    -Quran : Uthmani Script.

    والله اعلم
    Allah knows best.

Kai SP

Exactly in between Ch 54 & Ch 74 there are 19 Chapters.

And exactly in between this Ch 54 & Ch 74 also, total letters of سقر will equal to exactly 448 + 491 + 1018 = 1957.

And 1957 is kind of like there are 1+3 nineteen too ! 19 and (19+19+19).

Chapter 54 has 1 word سقر and Chapter 74 has 3 word سقر.

And 1957 is also like a combination of one 19 and three 19.

The number of  letters Seen س . Qaf ق . Ra ر    of the 19 chapters between chapter 54 Al-Qamar and chapter 74 Al-Mudaththir:

Note that SAQAR is mentioned immediately after this:

Quran 74:25 "Not is this but (the) word (of) a human being."

Kai SP

The software to count verses , words and letters,....( Arabic)

-Quran : Uthmani Script.

والله اعلم
Allah knows best.



According to this software ( see source ) the most used letter in the Quran ( Uthmani Script) is the letter Alif ا
When the letters in the Quran are sorted from the most used to the less used, gives the following result:

value    times used + letter
1      52655 = ا
2      38102 = ل
3      27268 = ن
4      26735 = م
5      25746 = ي
6      25676 = و
7      17194 = ه
8      12403 = ر
9      11491 = ب
10    10520 = ت
11    10497 = ك
12    09405 = ع
13    08747 = ف
14    07034 = ق
15    06010 = س
16    05991 = د
17    04932 = ذ
18    04140 = ح
19    03317 = ج
20    02497 = خ
21    02124 = ش
22    02074 = ص
23    01686 = ض
24    01599 = ز
25    01414 = ث
26    01273 = ط
27    01221 = غ
28    00853 = ظ

When the values of these lettters are applied to the basmalah the result is 114, same as the number of chapters in the Quran, and the number of times the basmalah occurs in the Quran.

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Another researcher, Adnan Rifai used another counting method and has obtained a value of 115 for the basmalah.

source Arabic :

Quran Uthmani Script

The software to count verses , words and letters,....( Arabic)

والله اعلم
Allah knows best.



The seven " mina almathani " in chapter 15.

15:87 We have given thee seven "of the oft-repeated (verses) / mina almathani" and the great Quran.

almathani المثاني  from the root : Tha Noon Ya ثنى


ى1 ثَنَاهُ, (T, S, M, Mgh, Msb, K,) said in the K to be like سَعَى, implying that the aor. is ثَنَىَ, but this is a mistake, (MF, TA,)

[for it is well known that] the aor. is ثَنِىَ, (Msb,) inf. n. ثَنْىٌ, (S, M, Msb, &c.,) He doubled it, or folded it; (T;) he turned one part of it upon another; (M, K;) he bent it; (T, S, Mgh, Msb, TA;) he drew, or contracted, one of its two extremities to [or towards] the other; or joined, or adjoined, one of them to the other; thus bending it; (Mgh;) namely, a stick, or branch, or twig, (Mgh,) or a thing, (T, S, M, Msb, K,) of any kind

- An interesting observation: in chapter 15 there are 7 verses which are repeated in chapter 38.

- This narrative is about "sujud to Adam/bashar" and is also mentioned seven times in the Quran:

- List of the the 78 verse repeated twice in the Quran.


Quran Uthmani Script

The software to count verses , words and letters,....( Arabic)

والله اعلم
Allah knows best.