Just sharing a thought regarding end time

Started by munir rana, October 13, 2021, 02:59:11 PM

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munir rana

Salam .

I have a feeling regarding the verses where Allah speaks about the End time.
Many times it was said through prophet that, when they (the then Arabs) ask about the end time, tell them it is near. soon. etc.
How come, after 1400 years this nearness is not reached yet.

One answer of this question is regarding relativity. And it was clearly stated that His one day is equal to our thousand years.

But i take this response from one other viewpoint. When i am an Arab of 1400 years back (or even now) and I am told that the end time is near, i think technically its related to my death time. After my or anyone's death the Qiyamah is very near. Because when I will be resurrected I wouldn't  have any knowledge about the time gap. So end time is very near for everyone.

Just sharing the thought.

Best Wishes.