What to Recite During Prayers

Started by Reader Questions, April 17, 2012, 07:38:00 AM

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Reader Questions

Salamunalikum Brother,

First of all I would like to appreciate you the way you have explained and researched the Quran.

It's made me to read day and night with full concentration in the subject and become deep thinker Maasha Allah.

You have explained each subject obviously and opened my blind eyes, Alhamdulillah

I am really wants to encourage you to do more research and guide us through the light of Quran

10 years before I came to know about the contradictions, confusions, lies, fabrications etc about the Ahadith but I could not get any guidance and tools to do research in such things.

But now I feel very good when I started studying your "Quran and its Message" website and learned more Alhamdulillah.

Nowadays I am arguing with my friends and trying to pass the God's message with the proof from the Quran.

And I would like to know regarding the prayers that what we can recite while praying in the stages of Rukh, Sajtha, and mainly in sitting position. Usually I will recite what we have in the ahadith but I am not satisfied with that.

We know that Quran is complete and explained in detail but I have to know what to recite in the different stages of prayers.

It will be more useful for us.

Joseph Islam

Salamun Alaikum,

We all remain humble servants of God and to Him is our return. Let us pray sincerely that He shows, guides and keeps us on a path that is closest to the truth and His mercy. We, by ourselves are nothing. Only He can guide us.

With regards your question, the Quran does not prescribe a particular form or content for prayer. However, it does expect you to congregate and bow with those that bow. So one would be obligated to follow the congregational form. This was also expected from those of the scriptures before us such as the Jews "... and bow down your heads (Arabic: ir'ka'u) with those who bow down (Arabic: raki'een) (in worship)" (2:43)

Therefore, there would be no need to reinvent the form as one would be expected to follow the congregation pattern. All Muslims pray to God during salat, so I personally would have no problem reading my prayers behind a Sunni, Shi'a or any sect between them. I will congregate and pray to God alone.

As far as what to say during prayer, there is no prescribed utterance, other than an expectation that you know what you are saying (4:43). Also, during private prayer, it is best to say your prayer in a slight audible tone ("Neither speak thy Prayer aloud, nor speak it in a low tone, but seek a middle course between") 17:110.

A lot of people make their 'duas' after the prayers when I humbly see no reason from the Quran why it cannot be said inside the prayer. After all, what is prayer for? The traditional recitations during the sitting position, like the 'darud' are also just 'duas'. They are not recitations from the Quran.

As you have highlighted the 'sitting position', I would seek to express heartfelt 'duas' (prayers) to your Lord in a language that you understand and one which resonates with you deeply. You can recite, modify and edit the traditional 'duas'. You can recite completely your own.

If you are fluent in Arabic or understand what you are saying whilst 'feel' its words', then well and good. If you do not, then I would pray in a language you understand. God made all languages and He made you. The communion with God is a personal one and no one has the right to dictate your personal deep relationship with God and what language that should be communed. Did Prophets Moses, Jesus and Abraham (pbut) not pray to God with their hearts in their own languages?

These 'duas' do not have to be fixed but there are many examples of beautiful 'duas' in the Quran. You can also use your own.

Please see related article [1] below for some examples.

So instead of reciting all your 'duas' outside prayer, bring them into your prayer and worship your Creator in deep meditation. He is a God truly worthy of being worshipped. Ask Him. He hears your call.

"When My servants ask thee concerning Me, I am indeed close (to them): I listen to the prayer of every suppliant when he calleth on Me: Let them also, with a will, Listen to My call, and believe in Me: That they may walk in the right way"

I hope that helps, God willing.


'During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act' 
George Orwell