Divorce in the Quran and the Bible

Started by Reader Questions, July 26, 2012, 09:22:29 PM

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Reader Questions

Hi Joseph,

In the Bible, when a marriage couple divorce the woman is sent out of the house with her divorce paper. So she can remarry. Many people say in the Quran there a waiting period. In case your wondering when probably so many Christian have told you divorce is a sin it's not.

Here is what it's saying:

For God hate putting a way.
Shalach is put away not divorce.
Divorce in hebrew is  keriythuwth
The Greek is apoluo For putting away
And Apostasion for divorce

Joseph Islam

Dear Sister,


Thanks for your emails. I couldn't quite grasp the context of your emails and therefore wasn't quite sure whether your questions were literal or rhetorical.

Biblical scholarship is an area of my academic study and I remain an ardent student of all scriptures with keen academic and spiritual interest. I do not rely on what others have informed me of the Bible and I for one have deep rooted respect for all God's scriptures.

One of my key desires is to get more Muslims to read the Bible with their own eyes. Also much damage has been done by many 'muslim preachers' over the decades who for some reason have taken a very dim view of the Bible. Maybe what started as a defence to Christian missionary challenges (i.e. who are you to talk! – have you read your Bible?) has developed into a general mistrust of the Bible. So I would be keen not to apportion blame.

I speak very well of the Bible and where I have academic criticism, I attempt to impart it with utmost respect.



'During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act' 
George Orwell

Reader Questions

Hi Joseph,

Sorry. What I meant to say was why is there a waiting period in the Quran when a woman has been divorced.

I also wrote about the Bible view and how it does divorce in that time. A husband (or wife). Had to write a bill of divorce and then send the wife out of his home. What I was asking is there really a waiting period and why is divorce twice in the Quran?

You are different from most sites as you are not trying to said false things about matters to get people to convert. Your not saying the bible is a lie, yet the Quran holds the Bible in a respectful way. You don't take things out of context.

Thank you.     

Joseph Islam

Dear Sister,


There is a waiting period during the divorce process (3 months / 3 menstrual cycles / till the end of gestation in the case of a pregnant mother). In this period divorce is not complete.

During this period couples are free to reunite if they reconcile their differences. However, once divorce is fully complete, there is no waiting period.

The following illustration may prove of some assistance InshAllah.


'During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act' 
George Orwell