Question asked on Joseph Islam's Personal Facebook page
Dear brother Joseph, Salamun Alaikum.
Would you please pay attention to the following
Verse of glorious Qur’an where Allah says “ The Bedouin ( Nomadic ) Arabs Are the worst in unbelief And hypocrisy, and most fitted To be in ignorance Of the command which Allah Hath sent down to His Messanger:But Allah is All – knowing,All-Wise ( 017 : 097 ).This verse would remain continue recitation till the
Dooms Day .
At the very out set of the verse Allah addressed in Arabic as “ Al- Aa'raboo”.Some translators translated as ‘ Nomadic of Arab’ some say as ‘ Living in village in Arab’some say only villagers ( Rural ) of Arab.some say Nomadic Arab.Everybody tactfully ignored to translate the inhabitant of urban area of Arab.But why ? Arab itself is a country, Those who reside permanently irrespective of colour,cast, creed or habitation either the rural or the urban etc.are called the citizen of Arab.In a nut shell we could say peoples of Arab in general.
Please be noted ,since ‘Al-Aa'raboo’ is plural, no where in the Qur’an we find any word in singular of Al-Aa'raboo though there are a lot of rooms & reasons to mention.As I know that, you are as a scholar & researcher of the glorious Qur’an .My humble request to your goodself , would you please let me know the exact purport of the meaning in English of the word “Al-Aa'raboo” & whom Allah has addressed to ? For example :
Nabatoon ( Singular ) Meaning : Nabati,Transformed : Unbatoon ( Plural )Meaning:Nabaties.
Hadasoon( Singular )Meaning : Event,Transformed : Ahdasoon ( Plural ),Meaning :Events.
Qouloon( Singular )Meaning: Say,Transformed : Uqwaloon( Plural ),Meaning : Sayings.
Khabroon( Singular )Meaning : News,Transformed:Ukhbaroon(Plural)Meaning : More News.
Saotoon (Singular)Meaning :Sound,Transformed :Uswatoon( Plural )Meaning : Sounds.
Maaloon ( Singular)Meaning : Wealth,Transformed:Umwaloon(Plural)Meaning:Wealths.
Haaloon (Singular)Meaning :Condition,Transformed:Uhwaloon(Plural)Meaning:Conditions.
Araboon(Singular ) Meaning : Arab(?)Transformed :Aa’raboon (Plural)Meaning:Peoples of Arab.
I hope , I have communicated my idea to you actually what I wanted to know ?