Salamun Alaikum
walam yakullahu kufawan ahad" (112:4)
kufawan or 'kufu' means to compare, like comparable, or equal and in this context means there is no one, or nothing that is like Him or even equal to Him.
This is a clear verse and seals the underlying Quranic interpretation that there is no 'likeness' to God in any realm perceivable or in His authority. We might have semblances of His attributes (by way of His ‘breath’ during our formation), such as a sense of justice, love, mercy, knowledge, authority etc but His attributes are in an absolute sense and beyond any comparison as He is perfect.
Therefore, such descriptions that you mention are only intended for metaphorical purport so that humans can best comprehend. If God had to explain Himself to another creature, He would have arguably used other descriptions that they could understand.
Please note a beautiful verse in the Quran where God attempts to describe His light (24:35). These are intended to be a
'mathal' (an example, similitude, or parable).
However, the kind of descriptions found in Ahadith are far too anthropomorphic than the Quran ever intends which in view of 112.4 is arguably negated.
For example, there is a big difference in responding to the Jews who claimed that God’s hands were tied (5:6) or that the Heavens will be folded in His Right (39:67) compared with the mention of
God baring His shin [1] in the Ahadith corpus which takes a much more literal nuance. (The latter hadith is possibly a gross misinterpretation of 68:42).
I hope that helps, God willing.
REFERENCE[1] KHAN. M, Center for Muslim-Jewish Engagement, University of Southern California, Volume 9, Book 93, Number 532s, Available at [online], Accessed on the 7th July 2012