Migration of Prophets

Started by Sardar Miyan, December 26, 2012, 01:41:46 AM

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Sardar Miyan

Was the Meraj happened in Prophets sleep as dream? As it can not happen physically.Allah does not mention in Quran about details and the Seconary source is not reliable. Why should Allah prescribe Five Salahs  in dream?
May entire creation be filled with Peace & Joy & Love & Light

Joseph Islam

Dear brother Sardar,

May peace be with you.

The prescription of five prayers has nothing to do with the Prophet's experience in 17:1 in as far as the information that can be gleaned from the Quran.

With respect, you and I both know that the Quran does not mention such a matter in the entire scripture. Such stories are only based on Islamic secondary sources.

I have shared with you the reason why I think it was a 'spiritual experience' of some kind. Please let us rest the matter at that and take general wisdom from the sentiment in the following verse.

Behold! you are they who argued about that of which you had (some) knowledge; why then do you argue about that of which you have no knowledge? And God knows while you do not know.

Please lets rely on matters which are clear (3:7; 18:22)

With utmost respect,

Your brother in faith,
'During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act' 
George Orwell

Sardar Miyan

Salam Bro JAI Allah says "Far away Mosque" therefore physical night journey is not possible therefore as you say it was "Spiritual. I do not know what do you mean  by saying spiritual? Can we not say go Dream?Dream also spiritual.AS per secondary source Hadith Qudsi also given to prophet in dreams.Though it is Secondary source as Hazrat Ayesha reported to have said he was sleeping and never leave her side all that night.Lastly, what were the signs Allah wanted to show and did it?
May entire creation be filled with Peace & Joy & Love & Light

Sardar Miyan

Salam Bro JAI,You wrote as it was far away mosque ( Aqsa) one can not go so long in one night.Therefore you say it was "Spiritual".I do not know what do really mean by spiritual? It can be a dream during sleep.As per Secondary Source Hadis Qudsi was revealed in Prophets Dreams.Secondly as per Hazrat Ayesha the Prophet did not leave her side on the bed on that particular night. Some say the Prophet was sleeping in Kaaba.I just wanted to know as to what kind of Signs Allah had shown to Prophet? Thanks
May entire creation be filled with Peace & Joy & Love & Light

QM Moderators Team

Quote from: Joseph Islam on December 29, 2012, 01:16:25 AM
As to what signs were shown, once again I would refer you to Truth-seekers quote which is taken from my article which is obviously a view I subscribe to.

Dear Sardar,

Please can you not duplicate your posts. Also brother Joseph has already dealt with your question. Please see the quote above and where he referred you to Truth Seeker's post which was a quote from his article.

In future, any duplicates or repetition of your questions will be removed.


Sardar Miyan

I am sorry dear Moderator for duplication as I did not see the  page2 of Migration  and also Joseph's reply. Thanks
May entire creation be filled with Peace & Joy & Love & Light