Blessings, Shaving the Head and Dhikr

Started by Reader Questions, October 23, 2012, 07:50:13 PM

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Reader Questions

Peace Joseph,

I had three different queries , if you have the time, i would be grateful for your view :)

1) I have read your article on 'pbuh'.

Is it correct, that the words used in 33.56 and 33.41/43 Can also mean/translate as 'Support (help and support..) as some people have translated?

If it does, would this fit in with the rest of the Quran?

2) Haaj and shaving the head...

Again Joseph, I have read thru the article, what is the reason/wisdom behind the shaving (or shortening ) of the hair?

3) I have read your article on 'Dhkr/Reminder'.... i have copied and pasted an 'article' below from a 'Dr K M Asif' , could you please help me understand better, what these verses mean?

What is mean by the 'reminder?

Article by Dr Asif  (

This is the most repeated argument of Inkara-hadith (Hadith rejectors). Lets analyse their argument. Allah says in quran "Indeed, it is We who sent down the dhikr and indeed, We will be its guardian."
But i want to clear that the word "dhikr" and its derivative has numerous meanings in the Quran. Yes i agree it used for the Quran for eg
" And this is a blessed (dhikr) Reminder  which We have sent down, will you then (dare to) deny it? (Surah 21 ayat 50)
But it some time also used for sunnah and for other purposes for eg   Allah says
" We revealed to you the (dhikr) reminder that you may make clear to the people what was sent down to them (ie Quran). (Surah 16; ayat 44).."

Allah says

"O you who have believed, when [the adhan] is called for the prayer on the day of Jumu'ah [Friday], then proceed to the (dhikr) remembrance  of Allah ( Surah 62 ayat 9)".

The first ayat is used for sunnah and the second one is used for other purpose. So it is clear now that Allah promises not only to protect quran but also sunnah of prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H). The text of the quran will not be protected if its understanding which is sunnah is not protected. Furthermore,if anyone wants to restrict the meaning of "Dhikr" to the Quran then they need to present a sound proof.

Joseph Islam

Salamun Alaikum,

Response to Question 1:

No. The nuances of the term in the verses you have quoted are specific to context and not the ones implied by what you have suggested. Please see related posts. [1] and [2].

Response to Question 2:

No reason is given by the Quran. Like the Tawaaf of Safa and Marwa, Arafat and the Sacred Monument, the shaving or cutting of the hair was a pre-jahaliyya rite of worship allowed to continue in the name of the One God as part of Hajj. [3]

Response to Question 3:

Dhikr carries the meaning of remembering, to recollect, or commemorate, to bear in mind, praise, magnify etc and its appropriate meaning would depend on context. For example 'dhkr-allah' will carry the meaning of remembering, extolling and magnifying God.

Dr. Asif is asserting an interpolation on the basis of 16:44 and 62:9 to imply that dhikr means 'sunnah' when there is no evidence for this in the verse.  The term 'sunnah' has been used specifically in the Quran and for a particular purpose [4]. In the sacred text of the Quran, there is no mention of 'sunnah' of Muhammad as an authority besides the Quran. Dr. Asif with respect would do better to provide clear evidence why the verses he has quoted in reference to 'dhikr' means 'sunnah of muhammad' as he implies rather than interpolating without apparent warrant.

Finally, Dr. Asif has tacitly shifted the burden of proof when this remains firmly with him to provide evidence that dhikr means 'sunnah' in the verses he has quoted. There are verses in the Quran (one of which he has himself quoted) in which dhikr clearly refers to the Quran. There is no evidence that dhikr implies the sunnah of the Prophet. With respect, an unwarranted 'interpolation' is not evidence.

I hope that helps, God willing.


[1] Sending salutations to the Messenger/s or Help his/their mission
In particular Reply #4
[2] Blessings to the Prophet
'During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act' 
George Orwell