Isn't this surah also addressing the jinn? Thus there are two separate gardens. Then one for the right hand and another for the sabiqun?
Dear Hope,
May peace be with you.
When the abode of felicity will be the expanse of the heavens and the entire Universe known today (3:133) and the gradation of ranks is even greater and more excellent than that on Earth (17:21), one is forced to interpret an immense multitude of diversity in Paradise. Gardens of not only eternal timely abode, but also almost of physical space. The immense degrees in accordance to deeds are also alluded to in verse 76:16.
Therefore, the literal interpretation of a mere
4 gardens (not 2) in verse 55:62 can seem to be unduly restrictive but not necessarily ‘impossible’.
If we allow a literal interpretation and we interpret 2 gardens for humans and 2 gardens for the jinn (given the 4 in total mentioned in verse 55:62), then one could argue that 1 garden is for the exalted category, those 'foremost' in the race to good mentioned in verses 56:10-11, 56:13-14 and the second garden is for the people of the 'right hand' (69:19, 90:18, 56:39-40).
One is then forced to interpret the other two gardens (out of the four) for the jinn. If one assumes that a similar categorisation exists for the second of the two gardens for the jinn, then this interpretation is a little questionable when seen under the scope of verses 55:62ff which does not seem to be addressing the jinn exclusively, given that 'tukadhiban' (will you both deny) is a 'dual' address to both the humans and the jinn (55:63).
Alternatively, to assign 2 gardens to the 'foremost' in the race and then '2 gardens' to those of the right hands of humans exclusively also seems to be a little restrictive in light of the above paragraph and that viewed from the lens of the verses shared in the first paragraph.
Also, it is important to remember that the Jinn and mankind are not the only creation of God. That is a very earth-centric view.
The Universe is abundant with God’s creation (42:29) teeming with life and all will be brought back to him on the Day of Judgment (36:83, 39:44). This also includes all the living creatures (animals, birds etc) ever created and have resided on Earth (6:38).
The gardens of abode will indeed be immense (3:133) and even if a literal interpretation is allowed of 4 for both humans and jinn, given the plethora of life in the Universe, the actual number could be tremendous.
In the end and as always, God knows best.
Your brother in faith,