Salam Dear All
We read: [2:190] AND FIGHT in God's cause against those who wage war against you, but do not commit aggression - for, verily, God does not love aggressors.
If above is the rule, then how can we explain the early expansion of Islam by the righteous caliphs? Were they threatened and responded? Were they invited by oppressed people to free them of their misery by getting rid of tyranny? Was it a preemptive strike? Were they attacked and the attackers ended up losing power and territory? Some claim lands of certain kings were invaded because they refused to respond positively to letter of the blessed Messenger inviting them to Islam.
There are some Muslims who believe the Muslims, when they have sufficient power are to conquer the rest of the world and impose Islamic justice and system. They are, therefore, accused of being double talkers. They are accused of talking peace only when they are weak but as soon as they have the might and the means, they will wage a war.