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Messages - Student

Salamun Alaykum,
Brother Joseph,

You're aware of Nouman Ali Khan and his Bayyinah institute most likely as I've seen one of your Face Book post providing a link. Over all Bayyinah is good in bringing awareness of the Quran among American Muslim Youth in particular and world Muslims in general and by the day his popularity is on the rise and so also the fan following. I don't know or doubt the intention but sometimes he makes these speeches going out of the way to legitimize entire Hadith corpus and he has done this twice in short span defending Hadith corpus as a means to understanding the Quran and I felt it's misleading the youth with his explanation of Ayah 4:65 as a clear proof of Hadith/Sunnah (mind you they don't draw distinction between the two) being inseparable from Quran.

Can you spare some time and address the ayah 4:65 and refute his arguments please?

But no, by your Lord, they will not [truly] believe until they make you, [O Muhammad], judge concerning that over which they dispute among themselves and then find within themselves no discomfort from what you have judged and submit in [full, willing] submission.

Thank you!

Discussions / Re: Resource(s) for Bible and Torah
April 06, 2016, 04:06:33 PM
Hello and Thanks Zack :D
Discussions / Re: Resource(s) for Bible and Torah
March 29, 2016, 02:17:41 AM
Walekumus Salaam,

Apologies for speaking too vaguely or in sheer excitement, too early. I did visit the site immediately and directly jumped to verify couple of verses and briefly browsed the "Find out more.." section. I also saw this:
QuoteOn these parchment leaves is written around half of the Old Testament and Apocrypha (the Septuagint), the whole of the New Testament, and two early Christian texts not found in modern Bibles.

Again my apologies for any confusion, I'm trying to co-relate the words that are frequently used interchangeably  OT/NT/Bible/Torah/Tanakh. Thanks a lot for the clarification. Yes, indeed I read all the articles of QM marvelously researched and written by brother Joseph but my memory is least loyal to me  :-[ so please excuse me if I ask now or here and there some stupid (and repeated) questions that are answered elsewhere which the search engine fails to provide due to my lacking of appropriate keywords input.

So, is this safe statement to make about the site provided by brother Hamzeh (thank you again for the information sharing) that it covers OT/NT/Bible/Torah/Tanakh (all revealed scriptures of God, Books to the people)? again excuse me for being annoying.

Thank you
Discussions / Re: Resource(s) for Bible and Torah
March 28, 2016, 12:16:54 PM
Walekumus Salaam,
Brother Hamzeh,

Jazak Allah khair  :D Excuse me for being naive here, the carries only NT? (and is NT=Bible=Injeel and OT=Torah is that correct co-relation???)

Thank you so much!

Discussions / Re: Resource(s) for Bible and Torah
March 28, 2016, 06:59:03 AM
Bhai Sardar,

Do I need to me Muslim to get my query answered? Allah does not make any distinction between any of His sent down scriptures, who do I believe you or God? Respectfully, I do not like your knee-jerk response to my sincere query. Please forgive me if I say something that hurt your sentiment.

Brothers and sisters,

Does anyone have any suggestions for my request besides sending me to Google or Bing or Yahoo?

Thank you,
Discussions / Resource(s) for Bible and Torah
March 27, 2016, 08:39:49 AM
Salamun Alaykum,

Can someone (of course including brother Joseph) please point me to online Resource(s) for Bible and Torah (old and new testament) that I can read and do my comparative research?

Thank you :)
General Discussions / Sacred Months?
March 27, 2016, 08:18:26 AM
Salamun Alaykum,
Brother Joseph,

I hope you and your family are keeping well by the grace of Allah swt. I know you're engaged in lots of academic stuff bringing out the best for all of us. May I divert your attention for a bit on this site (please see below) where the brother's assertion for Islamic sacred months are different than what you've presented. Since his set include Ramadan, and no Qital is allowed in Ramadan I've hard time dismissing his assertion. Your help is much appreciated in identifying the flaws, if any in his 4 months reckoning.

Thank you,
Prophets and Messengers / Re: How many Prophets?
February 22, 2016, 01:13:17 PM
Salamun Alaykum,

Br. Joseph,

Mashallah, yet again very thoroughly researched piece of work. Simply amazing!
Just one thing that caught me by little surprise when you said (emphasis mine):
QuoteOther prophets, including prophet Muhammad were able to provide knowledge of future events in the form of Divine inspirations whether dealing with eschatology or future events within a relatively short period of time (30:3-4)

Isn't the entire Quran a reminder for a dreadful Day to come eons after the departure of the ProphetSAS? If I'm not wrong your stand on "Splitting of the Moon" is also a future event which hasn't happened yet (1400+ years and counting after the prophecy was made) - how do you then reconcile when you restrict the prophecy to within few years only? Just curious if I miss something or misread your assertion completely?

Thanks for your valuable time!
May Allah swt bless your Imaan to perfection!
~ Student
General Discussions / Re: Verse 2:34
February 15, 2016, 12:29:54 PM
Salamun Alaykum,
Brother Joseph,

Mashallah your explanation lend support to the evolution theory without compromising the honor of Adam and his spouse (peace be upon them both), indeed a very persuasive presentation of the creation story, Subhan Allah! However, it didn't touch on the question I've had in mind for as many times as I read this Surah, the ayah 2:31 begs a question and I'm yet to find an answer let alone to my satisfaction and i.e., Why or How Allah swt expect an answer by posing the same question to both Adam AS and the Angels while teaching the former and leaving the latter uninformed?

   And He imparted unto Adam the names of all things; then He brought them within the ken of the angels and said: "Declare unto Me the names of these [things], if what you say is true." 2:31 (Asad)

At least I do not see they too were given the list of names (Asmaa) and could not retain - did I miss it? It's our fundamental belief that Allah's swt justice demands equal opportunity be given to both parties in the contest of comparison of knowledge/whatever else was being tested with that Asma question, isn't it?

Is Allama=Arada, then?

It pique my curiosity every single time I read the story in Baqarah....Hope you'll be able to quench my thirst, inshallah!

Thanks & Jazak Allah Khair!
Islamic Duties / Re: Salah in Jewish culture
February 11, 2016, 02:59:44 AM
Walekumus Salaam,
Brother Hassan,

Thank you and Jazak Allah Khair for your time in addressing my question . This topic "Abstaining from Salah during mensuration" in my humble view falls in the same category and line of argument where Brother Joseph lend his support and assert his position in favor of 5 daily prayers on one of the key criteria of "A living tradition was always in situ" and "Such a practice is learnt as best practice from en-masse propagation, generation to generation" among women folks. When I mentioned the absence of menses as an excuse to the prayers in the Quran, the reaction on my wife's face mirrors those of other two sisters that kindly shared their feelings. This "practice of abstaining" we may very well trace back to the people of the book from their books and since brother Joseph's writings indicate a strong grasp in understanding previous divine scriptures I earnestly request him to personally take some time out from his busy schedule to address this issue thoroughly academically and historically. I hope brother Joseph don't let me down as this subject is not only important to me it is extremely essential to our women folks.

Hope you don't really mind brother Hassan for my pressing on with the issue. Looking forward to hear from brother Joseph, Inshallah  :D

Islamic Duties / Re: Salah in Jewish culture
January 22, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Salamun Alaykum,
Brother Joseph,

I'm excited to post my very first question through QM forum and looking forward to beneficial and more importantly application of what I learn, inshallah. So, my question is, as my family has women too, Alhumdulillah, what Jewish woman do during their mensuration cycles? Do they pray or not? through out OT, NT and presently?

I appreciate your candid and tolerant approach and immense divine scriptural knowledge you're disseminating for the benefit of truth seekers, May Allah swt reward you and your family with Imaan and increase it every single day  :)

Jazak Allahu Khairan!