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Messages - Mohammed

Whatever you say, readers can understand something from this (5:29)

"Indeed, I wish that you be laden with my sin/crime and your sin/crime, so you be from the fire's company, and that (is) the unjust's/oppressor's reimbursement."

Didn't he commit any sin before? Was he wholly innocent??

Anyway, thanks for this website. Some of your article which I read were really good/useful (I didn't read your complete articles).

salaam/peace be upon you
General Discussions / Re: To Whom It May Concern
May 30, 2019, 12:14:11 AM
Responses are already given. It's not my mistake if you are not able to find it.

Goodbye all,
Quote from: Mohammed on May 29, 2019, 04:45:58 PM
Based on my Qur'an studies, Jews and Nazarenes/Christians were sects among 'the people of the Book' who followed their desires. See 2:120-121, 2:140, 9:30, 5:18 etc.

i.e. like those today who follows their desires other than the Qur'an
Last verse quoted is 5:68 not 58
General Discussions / Re: To Whom It May Concern
May 29, 2019, 05:03:13 PM
Quote from: Truth Seeker on May 29, 2019, 03:06:16 AM
Salaam Mohammed,

I looked at your link and still just wanted to know what you would do in a hypothetical situation where for example you were in a terrible accident.  You need to have X rays, stitches, pain medication, surgery for a ruptured spleen, a blood transfusion.

Would you undergo medical treatment?

My posts were very simple. I do not want to repeat what I have already been said.

I asked you evidence from the Qur'an not from Joseph Islam's article!!! Where did the Qur'an say he was wholly innocent?
Months ago on another thread, I mentioned the same issue!

peace brother Joseph, Why are you still publishing that? Do you have any evidence for your claim?
Wa 'alaikum salaam/peace, all

The Qur'an is/was the Guidance for all people, Qur'an revealed confirming to what the people had/believed/followed before it i.e. the scriptures (guidances) of the former prophets. So, those who followed the former scriptures would definitely believe and accept the Qur'an as the truth and guidance.

And I'm curious to know that what's you people's understanding of Guidance ?

We said: "Drop/decline from it, all together, then whenever guidance comes to you from Me, so who followed My guidance, so no fear/fright on them and nor they be sad/grieving."

And those who disbelieved and denied with Our verses/evidences, those are the fire's owners/company, they (are) in it eternally.

You Israel's sons and daughters, remember My blessing, which I blessed on you, and fulfill/complete with My promise/contract, I fulfill/complete with your promise/contract, and (only)Me so be terrified/monkish of Me.

And believe with what I descended, confirming to what (is) with you, and do not be (the) first disbeliever with it, and do not buy/volunteer with My verses/evidences  a small/littleprice, and (only) Me, so fear and obey Me(taqwa).

Thus as the guidance came, they believed
..."Our Lord, we believe, so record us with the witnesses." "And why should we not believe in God and what has come to us of the truth?

Quote from: Athman on May 28, 2019, 06:22:48 PM
You share:

"So as they believed in the Qur'an, they will have Swalat, Fasting, Hajj etc. right? i.e. they are no more Nazarenes/Christians."

Not necessarily...

I disagree with you. Believing in the Book means accepting it as the truth and guidance. Therefore, one who believes in it should follow it.[this is the same case in many of the Qur'an alone followers today; they don't know what is FAITH actually].

For example, consider 5:6, how your Logic works here if one believes in the Qur'an? because it's a command to the believers of the Qur'an/guidance !

You, you those who believed, when/if you started/got up to the swalat, so wash with water your faces, and your hands to the elbows, and rub/wipe with your heads and your feet to the two joints/ankle bones...

Quote from: Duster on May 26, 2019, 05:01:06 PM
Secondly .... the Quran says not to take awliya ONLY with those that are trouble makers and ridicule the religion..... you have taken one verse and missed out the clarifying verse 5:57.

As mentioned by brother Joseph in the link below .....

Regarding 5:51 & 57

Based on my Qur'an studies, Jews and Nazarenes/Christians were sects among 'the people of the Book' who followed their desires. See 2:120-121, 2:140, 9:30, 5:18 etc.
And among the people of the Book (other than the sects) there were wrong doers that's what verse 5:57 talking about. [ like those in among today's Qur'an followers ('people of the Qur'an')]

Quote from: Hamzeh on May 28, 2019, 05:14:29 PM
I agree with brother Duster as it could get very hard to respond to questions that are not correlated with the message of the Quran...

If you have the truth with you, you can easily answer such questions..

And regarding verses like 2:62, 5:69 etc.

That those who believed and those who guided/Jews, and the Sabians, and the Nazarenes/Christians, who believed with God and the Day the Last, and worked correct/righteous deeds, so no fear on them, and nor they be sad/grieving.

If one believed in God, he would also believe in God's revelations! (See 2:285) Therefore, 5:69 could be for those who were in such sects (Jews, Christians sabians etc.) before the Qur'an's revelation? Why not? [God's message of truth has always been the same-ponder over 48:28].

and one verse before 5:69 (5:58)
Say: "You The Book's people, you are not on a thing, until you keep up the Torah and the Injeel, and what was descended to you from your Lord." And what was descended to you(Muhammad) from your Lord increases many of them tyranny/arrogance, and disbelief, so do not grieve/sadden on the nation, the disbelieving.
Quote from: Duster on May 28, 2019, 05:59:24 PM
The day you can provide me a deep ... comprehensive body of work that covers the entire spectrum of topics that the owner of this site has ....

peace Duster,

Why are you still waiting for people's [creatures] work, while The Creator's work (The Qur'an) is in your hand!?

You, you those who believed if you are aware of God (fear and obey), He makes/creates for you a criterion(Separation of Right and Wrong), and He covers/substitutes from you your sins, and forgives for you, and God (is owner) of the grace/favour/blessing, the great.

No offence intended. It was just an advice, you always have your choice...
Quote from: Duster on May 28, 2019, 08:47:11 AM
Shalom /peace Mohammed

Did you even read the links I shared???? If not, we are wasting our time ....

peace Duster,

God gave you 'reason'. So before following others and their works verify for yourself, for your safety.
Take it as a humble advice to you and some other members of this forum.
General Discussions / Re: To Whom It May Concern
May 28, 2019, 11:10:02 AM

I have provided the link with my post where you can find the original post and my replies.
salaam Truth Seeker,

Quote...when one brother killed his innocent brother ?

Who told you that? Do you have any evidence from the Qur'an?
I also heard it from traditional teachers, and brother Joseph also saying the same!.

QuoteWe should think in this way also,

Given the example of the Prophet Moses when he met a knowledgeable slave of Allah, and he killed a boy then Prophet Moses questioned him.

"So they left/set out until when they met/found a servant/boy, so he killed him. He (Moses) said: "Did you kill a pure self without a self? You had come (with) an awful/obscene thing." (18:74)

Later he clarified the reason to Prophet Moses,

"And as for the boy/servant, so his parents were believing, so we feared that he burdens/oppresses them (with) tyranny/arrogance and disbelief." (18:80)

Here the boy was killed because, in future he might be turning against Allah.

General Discussions / Re: To Whom It May Concern
May 28, 2019, 10:46:47 AM
Wa'alaikum salaam,

You may find this helpful

Quoteif somebody got a cancer he should pray instead of getting the surgery done,...
You can do radiation therapy/surgery(for bigger tumours that cannot treat with medicines) etc. in modern day. And you can identify the exact area of tumour growth through scanning. But what's your LOGIC for 7th century? [Come with Qur'anic evidence, if you have]

When prayers/needs are not answered, it's common/usual for human kind (e.g. hypocrites/those with weak faith/no faith) to find alternatives. (Many branches of modern science are just examples)

Quotewhat if someone get his/her bone break ? oh God come fix my BONE
It's in-born in humans, animals etc. the self-healing mechanism ( only if God willing ) and even bone fractures (with proper care). But such things/anything will not happen without reason.

Quoteone verse before 26:80

26:79 "And He is the One who feeds me and gives me to drink." and 3 times a day God knocks the door of everyone and said i bring food for you mate

some mothers dnt Trust on GOD thats why they dont wait  for God to come and feed their kids
In addition to the verse you quoted, there are plenty of verses in the Qur'an which mentions different kind of food /drink, or commands for what to eat/what to drink etc. and feeding/caring children too.

But with reference to illnesses/medicines/treatment did you find any verse other than 26:80 ? Or other than verses like 16:69, 41:44 ?
General Discussions / Re: To Whom It May Concern
May 28, 2019, 12:39:07 AM

When people have no money (for visting a doctor), the only way is to depend/call God,
And when they have money, they seek refuge with the doctor.

And if harm touched the human, he called his Lord repenting to Him, then if He made him own a blessing/goodness from Him, he forgot what he was calling to Him from before, and he made/put to God equals to misguide from His path, say: " enjoy with your disbelief little that you are from the fire's owners/company."

For Red bold part
Qur'an does not mentions doctors but says,

"And if I am sick/diseased, it is He Who cures me." [26:80]

People say we believe in one God. We are people of the Qur'an.
But it's difficult/doubtful for them to think/believe that,

The One Who created/brought them,
The One Who engineered/designed them,
The One Who still keeps them alive/existing

can cure their diseases/illnesses!!!

Did the people think that they be left that they say: "We believed." And they are not being

All the praises and thanks be to God, Lord of the worlds.
peace Duster,

Quote from: Duster on May 27, 2019, 12:50:00 AM
If the message has not reached someone properly....

We are talking about 'the people of the book'
and what the Qur'an says about them?

That truly the dheen at God, (is) the islam/submission/surrender, and those who were given The Book did not differ/disagree/dispute, except from after what (that) the knowledge came to them, out of jealousy/oppression between them, and who disbelieves with God's signs/verses, so that God (is) swift in reckoning.

Say: "You The Book's people, do not exaggerate/exceed the limit in your dheen, other than the truth, and do not follow a nation's self attractions for desires, they had misguided from before and they misguided many, and they misguided from the way's/path's middle/straightness."

[Important : This is a saying of the prophet to the people in the 7th century]

RED What are the other dheens?
No doubt, Just human desires !

BLUE  About which dheen the prophet is talking?  It's clear from the verses 3:19, 42:13 etc.

and from 48:28 it's clear that the prophet came with truth's dheen and the Guidance (the Qur'an)

He is who sent His messenger with the guidance and the truths' dheen to make it apparent/visible/overcome on/over the dheen all of it, and enough/sufficient with God (as) a witness.

..."Our Lord, we believe, so record us with the witnesses." "And why should we not believe in God and what has come to us of the truth?

Who said this? Were they not 'the people of the book'?

Now think, is the term 'people of the book' applicable to today's Jews/Christians?(who do not follow the Qur'an)
[and do you think that all people today who say 'we follow the Qur'an' are in true dheen?]
General Discussions / Re: Plastic Surgery
May 28, 2019, 12:17:34 AM
Quote from: Sstikstof on April 06, 2019, 01:34:45 PM
I suspect that either you are in 'overthinking condition'...

Another  doubt is here in (8:49)
"When/if the hypocrites and those who in their hearts/minds (there) is sickness/disease said: "Those, their dheen has deceived/tempted (them)." And who relies/depends on God, so then God (is) glorious/mighty, wise/judicious.

Of course, they couldn't imagine/think/believe that (i.e. for example, group of 20 fighting group of 200!! -8:65.

But, it's all about FAITH & PATIENCE.