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Topics - Sardar Miyan

General Discussions / Ashraye Mubashira
September 02, 2012, 01:28:05 AM
Salam Bros. We have to gulp lot of Secondary source Stories & Tales in Juma Khutba. They dont tell Quran without telling Hadith. I always get disturbed by these tales which all other muslims very intently hear.In todays Juma the Khateeb was telling about Ten Sahaba whom Allah has given the glad tiding of their being given Jannah. Though this is a Secondary source I just wanted to know how you do feel when your hear or read about this Glad Tidings to Ten People called Ashraye Mubashira?Thanks for sharing
Islamic Duties / Way of Performing Salaat
August 25, 2012, 05:49:43 AM
Salam All , I would like to present way of performing  salaat. Azan & Salaat starts by calling" Allahu Akbar" while Allahu Akbar is not in Quran. .Secondly in Qaida in the last Raka we recite Attahiyat wherein we have to recite " Assalamu Alaika or Assalamu Alaina Ya Ayyuhannabi"Is it right to mention any other than Quranic Aya? Thirdly it is said that Salwat on Prophet Ibrahim is not in Quran as is the case of Prophet Mohammad.Lastly to whom we say" Assalamu Alaika Rahmatullah" while closing the Salaat?
General Discussions / Translation and Tafseerً
July 22, 2012, 12:54:37 AM
Salam All,I understand Translation of Quran done by so many people in different languages of world but I do not understand Tafseerً of Quran.My understanding is since The Quran in Arabic is easy to understand who know Arabic Language but Quran is not fully translatable in any other language. Therefore they resort to Tafseerً. Lastly I do not think there was any need for Prophet SA to do any Tafseerً as all audience were Arabs. Thanks Bro to pl clarify.
Islamic Duties / Salaat Timings
July 04, 2012, 08:15:20 AM

Assalam Bros. While the following  post appeared in a different forum but nobody replied as most of them  are not Pro- Salaat.May I request this Forum to please post their replies? Thanks

ADear Sir,

Salaat as ritual cannot be held at specific time . It can only be held on specific time in certain (equator) region but not in all hemispheres ( i.e Polar region) . If we base salaat ritual on Sunrise and Sunset ( day and night which is measure of time when there were no clocks ) then this application for salaat timing is not practical in Polar region. Salaat may be overall concept for Divine system including so called Namaaz ( ritual practice) can be held in Middle East or nearby region and not in Norther/Southern/Polar region. Thus salaat cannot be time-bound instructions from Allah who is Creator / maintainer of whole creation and not only Middle Eastern people.

Either Qur'an is ordained for certain people of specific region who are suppose to propagate faithfully to whole humanity its spiritual message or it is Furqan ordained for whole humanity with no ritualistic sense but metaphorically. It has high spiritual meaning to be grasped who believe in Allah, judgement day and endowed with knowledge. Salaat in the morning may mean to have for remembrance of Allah prior proceeding in search of Allah's bounty ( as per His divine instructions at the start of the day). Again thanking of Allah in accordance with his divine instructions at the end of the day for his blessings and preparing for commitment of night with family.

How specific timing we can think of when Human ( including Muslims) will settle in near future in their scientific lab or working in satellite station in sky which may require rotate around the earth few circles in day!!!!! He will come across multiple sunrise/set in a day. Hence either salaat is not ritual to be performed on specific time ( as ordained in Quran) but system to be implemented for righteousness by individual based on reason and signs for betterment of humanity.
Salam All, The Glorious Quran does not mention any names except the messengers.Without naming there  are descriptions  of Moese's Mother,Firawan's wife,Azwaje Mutharat and a friend of Prophet( Abu Bakar). Is the name of Zaid appearing  in Quran is  real one or just a similee like "Zaid Bakar Umar"(Tom Dick & Hary)?Can somebody in this Forum help me to clarify? Thanks
General Discussions / Surah Nisa
June 28, 2012, 08:08:49 AM
Assalam Bros,I need some clarification on Sura Nisa.Allah says in 4:1 about creation of men & women and relationship.In Aya 4:2 He asks about giving property to Orphans in good condition. In 4:3 Allah says if you fear that you can not act equitable towards orphans, then marry such women as seem good to you,two and three and four; but if you fear that you will not be able to do justice between them then marry only one.I am not able to understand "if" and  "then".What is the connection between "If not being equitable towards orphans and then  marrying women of one"s choice. I am not particular about how many to marry but the connection between "IF" and "THEN" Thanks
General Discussions / Aya 17:71
May 23, 2012, 03:03:20 AM
Allah ask us to come with the" Imam "in Aya 17:71. Can somebody tell me which Imam Allah asking people to come on the day of Judgement? Our preachers, authorities, leaders, Shia Imams ? Thanks
General Discussions / Tasreeful Ayaat
May 15, 2012, 10:46:28 AM
I dont remeber to have discussed  Bro JAi about Tasreeful Ayaat.Any way I would like to know if we have any book having been compiled the Tasreeful Ayaat so that it would be handy to go through and enlighten ourselves. Thanks
General Discussions / Plural Marriage
April 13, 2012, 05:19:48 AM
Misconception: Polygamy - Muslim men can have as many wives as they wish

Background: Some think that Muslim men can have multiple wives if they desire to and that Islam and The Quran promotes polygamy
The Quran is very clear on this subject, that monogamy is the basis for normal relationships, while polygamy is only allowed in cases involving marrying the mothers of orphans so that the orphans are taken care of. A maximum of four wives are allowed in such cases. For example, in the aftermath of war, it is likely that many men would have lost their lives, resulting in many widows with fatherless children, thus The Quran allows an exception in these cases so that the needs of the wider community can be met:
Give the orphans* their money; do not replace the good with the bad, and do not consume their money to your money, for truly it is a great sin!
And if you fear that you cannot be just to the orphans, then you may marry those who are agreeable to you of the women: two, and three, and four. But if you fear you will not be fair, then only one**, or to whom you are committed to by oath. This is best that you do not face financial hardship. [4:3]
*the Arabic word for "orphans" is "yatama" and specifically means children who are fatherless.
** note the emphasis on one wife, i.e. monogamy.
Again, the subject of polygamy is addressed in the context of orphans:
They ask you for divine instruction concerning women. Say, "God instructs you regarding them, as has been recited for you in the book about the mother of orphans who you want to marry without giving them what has been ordained/written for them, as well as the powerless children, and your duty to treat orphans with equity. Whatever good you do, God has full knowledge of it. [4:127]
The above verse has been commonly mistranslated to justify marrying orphan girls rather than marrying their widow mothers. The Arabic plural pronoun in this verse is the female form, "allatee" (not the male form "allazyna"), and it can only refer to the women just referenced, not to the orphans. This is because in Arabic the word "yatama" (orphans) is grammatically male in gender. The beginning of the verse also tells us the subject of the verse, it is about the women. That is why it is important to remember all translations are imperfect, and to seek knowledge and verify information for oneself [17:36].
Again, The Quran shows a preference for monogamy in the following verse:
And marry the single from among you as well as the good from among your male and female servants. If they are poor, then God will grant them from His grace. God is Encompassing, Knowledgeable.[24:32]
To summarise, The Quran was revealed to a society where polygamy was commonplace and men could have many wives (e.g. more than four for example). By setting an upper limit, citing a moral restriction on polygamy and limiting the situations in which it is allowed would result in reducing polygamy significan

Assalam Bro.I read Joseph Islams Article on Plural Marriage & was convinced that what Allah wants the Muslims to do. While Allah permitted for Muslims to marry  Two Three Four but clarified at the same time that one can not do the justice. This "JUSTICE"clause appears to be asking to have one only if we can understand.Secondly I would like to draw attention to the above misconception I got on asite where it clarifies that more than one wife is to be resorted when muslims find more mothers of Orphans become widow after war.Though it is not expreedly directed ,some think is that way.In 4:30 Allah says " If you fear not able to do justice to Orphan then marry other women"this I can not undestand. Thanks
Islamic Duties / Azabul Qabr
March 30, 2012, 12:13:34 AM
Salam All To my little knowledge there is no Azabul Qabr after death. What is Barzaq where the dead are supposed to be till the Day of Qiyama ?
After knowing through some a person about Arif Shamim's sound knowledge of Tasreef -il-Ayaat, I requested him to write an article for the benefit of readers but he rudely replied it was not possible for him to do so & asked me to buy a book without naming any. Can you please help me by indicating the names of such books? Thanks
Islamic Duties / Mutawwatir are Five Daily Prayers
February 01, 2012, 06:55:16 AM
Five Daily Prsyers are Mutawwatir act of Muslims right from the  period of Prophet Mohammad which are being perfomed in Masjidil Haram in  Mecca, Masjide Nabawi in Madina & in Masaajid all over the world.
Discussions / Salaat Forum
January 08, 2012, 01:06:11 AM
Assalam Bro JAI I felt sorry to see that inpite of your clear explanation Dr Shabbir has now come to Hamdanis rescue by upholding his views on Saum.I think it is like Dr Qamaruzzamas views on Saum.I do noit know why in so many placesc Allah use Idiomotic Arabic when  He has to convey a message. Fasting is a practice coming from ages 1400 years ago. These people are trying to creat new concept which needs to be resolved. How can these Non Arab understand Arabic better than arabs themselves? You are explaining well but they are bent upon deniying.
General Discussions / Sajda noted in the Quran's Margin
January 06, 2012, 12:42:32 AM
The word Sajda is noted in the margin of Book Quran several times to make the reader know that he has to Prostrate  when he arrives at this aya while reciting. Nobody was able to explain as to when & by whom this was done.I dont know if you find in your copies of Quran but it is there in India.Does  anybody  has any idea ? Thanks
General Discussions / Surah (109) Alkafiroon
January 06, 2012, 12:32:41 AM
Assalam All, This Surah deals with " IBADA". Serving Allah is right but telling  serving Idols is not right translation as stones need no service.Though Shabbir has not used his usual "folowing command"which would be not right as Stones have not able to give commands.Shabbir,ASad & Yousuf Ali used Worship which is right.Does this Surah tell about Praying Allah ? Jawaid has to think about this Surah's message. Thanks for sharing ;D
Islamic Duties / Surah Tahreem
January 03, 2012, 01:29:05 AM
As per Surah Tahreem Prophet replied his wife on being asked who told you that All Knower told.I just wanted to know if Prophet used to get revealation other than through Jibreel.
General Discussions / Christians and Jews
December 26, 2011, 11:31:35 AM
Assalam,Br JAI Can you pl let me know the Ayaa No. where Allah tells the Christians &Jews who believe in God ,Hereafter and do good deeds will be rewarded in hereafter.Thanks
Resources and Information Portal / Re Quran Exploler
December 22, 2011, 05:51:20 AM
Br JAI I tried the Quran Exp.on my PC it I'd working well but it is not working on my IPhone. Can you tell me why ? Thًanks. I don't know if I can post this query on this "Reply"
General Discussions / Jin
November 14, 2011, 06:23:28 AM
While most of the muslims believe in the existance Jin, other than Ins (Insan),Dr Shabbir interprates Jin as people living away from regular community in towns & cites i.e,Nomads while Allah uses two words i.e. Jin O Ins.How can we call Nomads as Jins ?Can some brothers help me to undrestand the existance of Jins? Thanks
General Discussions / Shariah
November 12, 2011, 11:02:27 PM
SHARIAH has becme a hot topic in USA & other western countries.I want to know what kind of Shriah Muslims want to have in west ? Shariah has got two faces one is as per Quran & the other is as per Hadith.Most of the muslims want Hadithi sharaih as is in vogue in most of Muslim countries. this being apart I want to konw why muslims want this ? As per Quran we have to accept the countries laws whereever we live unless it goes against our beliefs. Will J Islam or other friends through light on this subject Thanks