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Messages - Sardar Miyan

As Allah's order nobody is authorized take out any life without permission of creater Allah therefore human have to pronous Allah,s nam
Brother Joseph Islam also did not elaborate the concept of Shariah on his Face Book. I therefore request Bro JAA to explain in detail.
What is Sharia Law and why the Muslims in the west want this law to be applicable to Muslims ? And
this law is as per Quran ?Thanks for clarifying.

Salam Bro JAA you are right but some Muslims say that as per Hadith it is distant that may count for shortening of pray being away from some distant.
It is fafibricated Hadith no one share prophets knowledge & beliefs. Rasool is Rasool nobody has to share Rasool's position in any way.
Discussions / Unfortunate Shiah Imams
June 06, 2017, 02:22:42 AM
It is really unfortunate that all the Shiah Imams were all  got sorrowful endings. First the
rightly guided Khalifah and first Shiah Imam Hazrat Ali was  killed in  Ramazan while Hussain was
killed in a battle in Karbala while rest of Imams were poisioned and last a six year old had  disappeard
without a trace.
Islamic Duties / Re: Sabr and Salaat
May 30, 2017, 01:20:02 AM
Bro Wakas You have not answer my question as what connection the Salaat has got with Saber ?Thanks
Islamic Duties / Sabr and Salaat
May 28, 2017, 11:57:57 AM
I do not understand as to why the Sabr and Salaat are mixed up ? What is the connection with Sabr and Salaat? Can sombody tell the connetion between Sabr and Salaat ? Thanks
The existing the Masjid Qiblatain is standing proof of Salat being performed during Prophethood of our Prophet. Though it is renownated yet it's old Qibla is still existing one side of the Masjid.
Discussions / What are Satanic verses ?
May 22, 2017, 08:24:32 AM
Salman Rushdi wrote a book entitled Satanic Verses some time ten years back for which  Imam Khumani call Muslims to kill him after which he hiding. I therefore wanted to know what did he write and what the facts? Thanks for enlighten.
General Discussions / Re: About Greeting
May 18, 2017, 10:32:12 AM
 Bro Munir greeting by uttering Assalam is enough. If you are Hindu you may say Shanti Nastay or something in Hindi. Assamu Alaikum meant death on you.  Therefore simply calling Assalam is enouph
If anyone does not have faith can not perform Salath. No one would make sujud on the wall people
Pray any place car bus Plane and railway station what is new ? We pray on the lawn or some store on our way while traveling. What is the point you want to express? Be clear
What is concept of Wilayat? Some say that Ali has got Wilayat of our phophet. How far it is true bro
JAI may kindly tell us. Thanks
Though Arabs did not write any
thing during and immediately after prophet demise but the
Ajami ( Irani) Muslim had taken
up this job by collecting the events of Prophet Mohammad
from different people who were
not alive then but know some
thing from their elders thereby
brought out some stories link
to Prophet. This is called Hadis
which is called secondary source while Quran is called
original source. Most of Muslims do not believe in these
stories as these were written by
some author.
Now in most of the Masajid in
all over the world the Khateeb
narrate Hadith alongwith Quran.
I do not know as to why they
narrate the Hadith when Ayaat
of Quran are there? They also
narrate Duas that the Prophet
asked which are not in Quran?
In short is right to do so ?
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