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Messages - Sardar Miyan

How could all Nabi & Rasool pray there when the Masjid was not there ?
Discussions / Re: Logging for long
May 01, 2017, 05:13:56 AM
Please explain in simple words when I am logged out ? Immiately after logging out?
Discussions / Re: Logging for long
May 01, 2017, 05:10:30 AM
Quote from: wanderer on May 01, 2017, 12:46:17 AM
Do you regularly clear your Internet history? That might be it.
Discussions / Re: Logging for long
May 01, 2017, 04:41:09 AM
In short tell me when I  finished my reading the QM blogs I get logged out?
Discussions / Re: Logging for long
May 01, 2017, 01:52:12 AM
Bro please explain in detail what is your opinion ?Thanks
Discussions / Logging for long
May 01, 2017, 12:13:59 AM
Dear Moderator How can I keep logging as my logging goes away immediately logging out. How can I log in for long? Thanks

Can some body in our Forum tell me as to who built Masjid Aqsa and when. Thanks
How should be a grown up Muslim woman libas should be is my concern. As her Satar she should hide top to bottom hiding anckles upto her face. As per Quran she need not hide the face or head the only condition is she should cover her bossom with cloth. Not exhibit jewerly. The men also have to lower their gaze.Burqa or headwear are not needed. Most of the women in East & West keep the head covered which is not needed. Bro Josheph and Forum members may express their views. Thanks
I tried to know about Meraj or asention of prophet Mohammad to sky to Allah but the article posted by
Bro Joseph does give any information. First of all the Masjid Aqsa was there when Prophet Mohammad's life. The second thing is which mosque Allah is referring to? Can brother Josheph
can give some more details about this episode. Thanks
Bro JAA all the blogs of Salaat Fourm have been erased. Can we get back? The Salaat forum is no more existing.
Discussions / Creation of sects by Our Beacon Furom
April 22, 2017, 07:46:01 AM
Of late I observe that our beacon forum created a new term as N1Islam & N2Islam in short term N1I & N2i does it not amounts to create a new sect? Bros of  our forum may kindly tell is it not a fact ? Thanks
Salam Bros In my humble opinion since the animals have no facility of " Free Will" therefore no gathering & no questioning
General Discussions / Ayate Tatheer
April 13, 2017, 08:24:43 AM
This Ayaat is regarding the Azwaje Muthahrat which is called Ayate Tatheer is truely with reference to
prophets wives but Shiah tell us that Allah refers to Ahle Baith means Ali, Fatima Hasan & Hussain.
Bro Josheph Islam my kindly clraify.
Nay, Allah is in no need of our worship.
51:56 And I have not created the 'jinn' and the 'ins' but that they obey (serve) Me alone. ['Jinn' = Nomads. 'Ins' = Urbanites. Check Surah 72 Al-Jinn, author's note, for details. 'Ibadah' is usually translated as worship but it is better applicable in that sense to idol-worship. And since the Quran consistently promotes action over ritual, 'Ibadah' means obeying Allah by serving His creation]
14:8 And Moses said, "If you disbelieve - you and all on earth together, yet Allah is indeed Self-Sufficient needing none, Owner of Praise."
"Fabi ayyi aalaai Rabbikumaa tukazzibaan" (Surah 55, Ar-Rahman). The addressees of that verse are 'you both'. So, many commentators, always fond of degrading women, render it as, "O Jinns and men!" But, keeping in mind the Big Picture of the Quran, the correct rendition is, "O Men and women!" Another frequent error is translating 'Aala' as blessing, bounty or favor. That meaning falls completely and repeatedly out of line in the Surah. How can the Hell be a bounty? Another meaning of 'Aala' is Authority, Power and Control, and that is what goes consistent throughout the verses in the Surah.  Hence, the correct rendition of the verse will be: Then, O Men and women! Which Authority of your Lord will you deny? (Instead of: Then, O Jinns and men! Which bounty of your Lord will you deny?) 
Tough the Masajid for Allah alone but the Muslims call Mohammad also as Kalima as such Prophet's name also can exibitted but in most of the mosque even names of Khulfai Rashedeen also exbited