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Messages - Ensure_World

Hi I am hired as a broker to get projects/start ups for debt funding and earn a percentage of brokerage for each funded project.

now brokerage isn't haram but I'm confirmed by the employer that the top-line (revenue) of my employer includes interest income too among other sources of investment incomes. In that case if I continue with this assignment I'd be consuming interest indirectly since this interest isn't a matter to be taken lightly and is considered as a war against Allah and His messenger, I've been unable to decide/pursue with the project for over 3 months and needed urgent advise if i should quit it completely. I've considered alternatives in my desperate unemployment situation & end of savings like replacing evil with good and giving away the interest component of my brokerage income but I'm hardly convinced since its a big hedge fund which probably could have huge interest income and it maybe the case that my entire brokerage could be drawn from interest income.

Can anyone advise what is the correct Quranic position of interest if consumed indirectly as a brokerage, it sounds haram to me even then.

Pls tell that adding duas in middle of the verses of a Quranic Surah is an innovation or not ? when Quran itself describes itself as fully detailed

eg. I was shared Surah Yaseen with a dua(1st part +2part duas given below) to be recited on every Mubeen (all 7)

1st part is the  Kalima of Rizq and protection:
La ilaha illallahul malikul haqqul mubeen, Muhammadur Rasulullahi Sadiqul Wa' Dil Ameen 
Meaning: There is none worthy of worship but Allah, Ruler, the Real, the Manifest Truth, Muhammad is the messenger of Allah and he is one who fulfils his promises and is trustworthy.
2nd part:  Salawat  Istaghatha - Pleading for Help to remove all Difficulties, Hardships, Calamities & Sicknesses.  (best read 300 to 1000 time a day)
Aghithni, Ya Rasulallahi khudh bi-yadi qallat hilati adrikni, Ya sahibal Judi wal-karam salallahu alayhi wa-sallam
(Meaning: Help me, O Messenger of Allah! Hold my hand support me, All my strategies are over, Help me, Oh Possessor of majesty And generosity bountiful peace be upon him.