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Topics - munir rana

General Discussions / Meaning of AR RAHMAN
July 02, 2014, 05:46:50 PM
Dear All


Recently read an article in about the meaning of AR RAHMAN. The writer proposed that according the usages in the Quran the meaning of AR RAHMAN should be and is THE MOST POWERFUL. Generally we read it as MOST GRACIOUS.

Here is the link

What's your opinion.

best regards.

General Discussions / preservation of scripture
June 27, 2014, 06:20:08 PM
Dear Joseph

Assalamu alaikum

One of my freinds asked that why Allah did not preserve the previous scriptures like He preserves the Quran? Were not those His favorite? Then why He allowed those to be corrupted? I answered that Allah knows the best. And perhaps time was one factor. As the civilization advanced those scriptures lost relevancy. So the final scripture arrives.
But I myself is not fully content with this answer.

Do you have any explanation regarding this issue.

Best Regards.

Munir Rana
General Discussions / regarding the ayat 7:172
May 05, 2014, 05:06:21 PM
Dear Josheph


I have a question regarding the ayat 7:172.

How do you understand this ayat.

If  I cannot remember what i did testify in my previous life then how can i be responsible for that.

As Allah says it, so it happend undoubtedly. But i want to understand it as much as possible. if you already made any post regarding this issue, would you please give me the link.

munir rana   

Islamic Duties / prayer
March 16, 2014, 06:35:04 PM
Dear Brother Joseph


According to Quran we must recite in prayers in a intermediate way. (17:110)

But most of our imam recite quietly in Dhuhr and Asr. Is there any problem to follow them? Shall i be responsible for that?

Best regards.
Islamic Duties / prayer
March 14, 2014, 07:05:44 PM
Dear Brother Joseph


found your website very useful. Hope and pray that Allah will reward you for your good attempt.

Due to physical problem i used to sit on a chair during my prayer. Is it permissible? With this type of problem how can someone join in congressional prayer?
