As-Salaamu-alaikoem brother Joseph
I have recently come across your website and found your articles both interesting and fascinating. Thank You for your efforts.
The one topic that intrigues me the most is your explanation of there being no such thing as punishment in the grave according to the Quran.
When reading your explanation and the evidence produced from the holy verses, it made alot of sense, and was also frightening at the same time.
I'm hoping I could ask you just 2 questions on this topic:
1. If there is no mention in the Quran of this, then how does over 1 billion Muslims believe it as absolute did that come about?
2. Scientifically, does this mean that a "time-jump" takes place between the point of your material death to the point in the future when the 1st horn will be blown, signalling the Last Day ?
I have recently come across your website and found your articles both interesting and fascinating. Thank You for your efforts.
The one topic that intrigues me the most is your explanation of there being no such thing as punishment in the grave according to the Quran.
When reading your explanation and the evidence produced from the holy verses, it made alot of sense, and was also frightening at the same time.
I'm hoping I could ask you just 2 questions on this topic:
1. If there is no mention in the Quran of this, then how does over 1 billion Muslims believe it as absolute did that come about?
2. Scientifically, does this mean that a "time-jump" takes place between the point of your material death to the point in the future when the 1st horn will be blown, signalling the Last Day ?