New Article: what is 'al hajj' according to The Quran?

Started by Wakas, November 05, 2013, 01:04:46 AM

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peace/salaam all,

Summary of article below:

al HaJJ ~ the symposium/feast/homage/commemoration

occurs within the ashur(plural of shahr) well known i.e. the four inviolable/restricted months [2:197, 9:2-5]
the crescent/new moons are used as set times for it [2:189]

the principal requirement: the position of the shelter and of those hosting it is that nothing is associated with God i.e. monotheism [22:26, 22:31]
can take place at a shelter wherein this criteria is met [3:96, 22:26]
done for God [3:97, 2:196]
during this time there is an amnesty/truce in place if there are warring parties (self-defence is still allowed however) [9:2, 2:191]
this type of event will nurture a sense of brotherhood amongst monotheists/believers, provide opportunity to witness benefits, remember/mention/thank/magnify God, spend in the way of God and do good [2:195-198, 9:18-20, 22:25-28, 22:35]

it is open to all mankind (who are willing to abide by the laws of the land) - for whoever is able to make a way to it [3:97, 9:18, 22:27]
if you wish to go but are prevented then send whatever is easy of gift/offering (with a representative) - if unable to do this then one can redeem by way of abstinence/charity/sacrifice [2:196]

Undertaking HaJJ
for monotheists - those wishing to uphold the salat/bond and bring forth betterment [22:31, 22:35, 9:18, 9:28]
no sex/wrongdoing/quarreling - this may aid the positive atmosphere and one's spiritual experience [2:197]
bring provision [2:197]
one's state of mind should be piety/conscientiousness/forethoughtfulness/taqwa and sincere/straightforward [2:189, 2:197, 2:203, 22:32, 22:37]
can be done in 2 days but typically would be 3-10 days, and one's obligation is fulfilled after the act of animal slaughter and feeding those in need [2:200, 2:203, 22:29, 22:34]

if you enjoyed in the visit to the HaJJ then give whatever is easy of gift/offering - if unable then abstinence 3 days during + 7 when you return = 10 complete [2:196]

one may seek bounty (i.e. worldly benefit, e.g. trade), get to know one another, go about the place, remember/mention/thank/magnify God, if doing HaJJ slaughter an animal to eat and share with the needy [2:198, 2:200, 2:203, 22:28, 22:34, 22:36]

The HaJJ seems to be a vehicle through which commemoration of God, spending in the way of God, experiencing benefits for oneself/others and brotherhood are actualised. Such an undertaking/event would also serve as an excellent example for visitors, and thus perhaps help spread the message. Humans are by nature social beings and there is nothing more powerful than seeing the truth for oneself, and this effect could tie in with some of the other meanings of the root Ha-Jiim-Jiim: e.g. "overcome another by/in argument/evidences/testimonies".


All feedback welcome, especially corrections. Thanks.
Verify for yourself.


[Some points taken from the writings of an Islamic Scholar]

Hajj – (Ha-Jeem-Jeem) 

The root meaning of Hajj  - Ha-Jeem-Jeem - is to make up mind or to plan for.   Based on this, it refers to that assembly in which matters are settled based on reason and proof.  According to other dictionaries, it means to plan for something which is glorious (Taj Ul Uroose).  That is why when someone plans to go to Makkah alMukarramah it was called Hajj.   Al-Hijjah means one year; plural Hijaj.  In verse (28/27) "Thamania Hijaj" means 8 years.  Al-Hajj also means to prevent, to stop, to quarrel, as while doing so one prevents the other (Taj). In verse (3/19) Fa-in-H'aajjooka- "so if they stop you from your planning." It also means argument (6/81) (Moheet). In verse (6/150), Quranic arguments and directions are called Al-Hujjatul-B'aligha, clear, distinct arguments.

Islam is the name of collective life, the legal nucleus of this system is the Holy Quran; the centre for administration or the ruling system is khilafat; and the collective perceptible centre is the kabah. Assembly of the representatives of the ummah at kabah is Hajj.  Hajj is an international convention, in which Muslims from all over the world assemble at their central place, their capital, in order to discuss their mutual problems (social, economic  political, etc.),  and also those related to the welfare of mankind in the light of the Quranic teachings through mutual consultations.  The Quran has asked the Muslims to invite all the mankind to come and see what this system is doing for them with their own eyes (22/28). Moreover, in order to set up a system throughout the world, it is necessary to hold international congregations, basically to demonstrate the progressive, democratic and modern teachings of Islam. The Quran directed the Muslims to decide their affairs by mutual consultations (22/36).

Another thing worth nothing is that the word Hajj comes in the Quran ten times and every time the command or direction is for the mankind (An-N'as) quite unlike Sal'at or Zak'at which are specifically mentioned for Muslims (9/322/27-3/97).  The point must be clear here.  The objective of Islam is to form a universal brotherhood of mankind by removing all differences existed among them and Hajj is an important link of this chain.  This explains why the focus is mankind (An-N'as).

There are some rules and regulations, rituals and customs set forth for assemblies and ceremonies of every system so that discipline and order are maintained, compatibility in movements could exist, and thereby these may indentify perceptible united movements and action and unity of heart and vision are exhibited. For Hajj also such kind of rituals and customs are fixed; one of them is 'tawaf' (making the circuit of kabah).   Taif is that police officer who performs a night watch. The duty of the Muslim ummah is to establish world peace. On account of this, this community is the taif, or tawaf (a guard) for the humanity and that it should stand as a security guard so that the mankind could live in peace. This duty is exhibited in a perceptible form through the tawaf of the kabah. Taif is one who removes the entangled affairs with the beauty of wisdom.  On account of this, those who participate in Hajj are called 'Taifeen' or 'Aakifeen'; and this participation of them on the whole is 'Ehraam' ie. such a state under which it is necessary to observe specific rules.  Every state has certain perceptible symbols which are expressive of the specificity of the system of that state eg. a flag  is the symbol of its establishment and existence, and a throne is the symbol of its power and authority. Such symbols of the Islamic state are called 'Shaaer-e-ilahi', and exhibiting due respect to it is among the rituals of Hajj.

Food articles are required for every gathering. Hajj assemblies used to be held in the valley of makkah which was devoid of any kind of vegetation, and where nothing was available to eat. In this respect it was told that the Hajj participants should bring along with them some surplus animals which were to be slaughtered and used by them as well as by those of the local needy persons. Those who could not participate in Hajj assemblies should send some gifts along with the Hajj pilgrims- these could either be in the form of animals or other food articles. These animals are called the beasts of sacrifice and the gifts as 'hadya'. It is to be made clear that for these animals no word as 'Qurbani' has appeared in the Quran.

Any state, when established on a particular ideology, its central place is considered as its symbols, eg. when we say Mosco, then this does not (only) mean the capital of Russia, this means the ideology of socialism.  Kabah represents the ideology of Islamic state, therefore, it does not refer to a structure or house. Kabah should always remain the focus of all Muslims (i.e. in their mind as an ideology),  and hence Kabah has been made the Qiblah.   It is Qiblah because it should always remain in the view.

During Hajj, for all rituals performed, the main objective will be to preserve and establish the divine law and its rule. This has, therefore, been called tillah, i.e. all this done will be for Allah.  In this context Allah has called the Kabah also His house. It should be made clear that whatever thing about which Allah has called as 'His', it means that object will be for the benefit of the entire mankind; no one can keep it under his personal possession or use.
The meaning which was lost in all our divisions will not be understood until our perceptions become untainted -  Allama Iqbal


peace optimist,

Thanks for the info, however I'd point out:

Quoteand hence Kabah has been made the Qiblah

Quran does not state that, although that is the commonly taken interpretation.
Verify for yourself.


Article has been updated with a small clarification/correction:

"the hajj are months well known so whoever specifies/obligates the hajj within them..." 2:197

i.e. it is the person that determines this. Similar to what I said about when to end it, see article.
Verify for yourself.