How to recite while praying behind an Imam

Started by Sardar Miyan, August 24, 2016, 05:05:21 AM

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Asalamu Alykum Ilker

There is a article concerning the verse you have shared by brother Joseph which you might find useful Insha'Allah




From what I understand from the Quran,

1. There is no requirement that its verses be repeated as part of prayer. However some surahs and excerpts of surahs appear to be designed such that it can be used in prayer - e.g Surah Fathiha.

2. Prayer should be uttered in a moderate tone of voice. However in the case of Imam lead prayer it would arguably be the Imam's voice that represents the prayer of the individual. Therefore the individual could perhaps simply listen, recite softly along with the Imam, cry Ameen in agreement, or even pray independently whilst generally following the Imam's call to change position.

Though the Quran does not make explicit that prayer in congregation must involve changing pose together. I would suggest that it is beneficial psychologically (for peace of mind) to do this.


Quote from: Hamzeh on August 26, 2016, 08:03:32 AM
Asalamu Alykum Ilker

There is a article concerning the verse you have shared by brother Joseph which you might find useful Insha'Allah



salam brother Hamzeh.

Alhamdulillah. Thank you for the link. It is useful. While I agree that the word "saba" could usually mean "several" besides "seven" , I don't think I can put "several" anywhere i see the word "saba". It could also be used with its literal meaning. So "the seven" actually might refer to Fateha... I mean why not ?  Don't we often repeat it in our lives ? I'm not necessarily talking about our daily prayers.
"Guide us to the right path... " Perhaps we repeat those ayat in Fateha more than others generally! So, both notions are logical in my opinion.


Wa alykum wa salam brother Ilker

Your welcome brother.

I agree of course that "saba" could be a literal meaning of seven.

However in the verse 15:87 what is the seven "oft-repeated" that is MENTIONED IN the Quran? Surah Fateha is mentioned once as a whole surah/chapter.

This verse is not saying that us human's are often repeating the seven/several mentioned verses of the Surah Fateha.

It doe NOT mention verses at all. From my humble perspective this verse is regarding the seven/several often/repeated concepts or themes that are contained in the Quran.

For example God reminds us constantly and often in the Quran about believing in ONE GOD, that we should become or remain righteous, we should pray, give zakat, charity, we should do good deeds, and follow the Quran, etc.

"And certainly, We have given you seven/several of the oft-repeated (Arabic: saba'an minal-mathani) and the great Quran"

It is reasonable and logical and a blessing and mercy from our Lord that He has given us Surah Fateha of course so we may recite it and ask of the right way from our Lord. But that's a different topic than what the verse 15:87 is really speaking about

Salam  :)