Understanding 27:44

Started by Student, July 22, 2018, 04:28:37 AM

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Salamun Alayka,
Dear Sir Joseph,

I've come across many times the ayah 27:44 in my Quran readings, still unable to grasp its purport, can you share your thoughts and wisdom you extracted from this ayah?

Dr. Shabbir wrote this: 'Kashafat 'an saqaiha' idiomatically means that she was spellbound, and not that she bared her calves; a common error of many translators.

Thanks and Jazak Allah Khair.
~ Student


Dear Student,

As-salaam alaikum,

I find it somehow inappropriate responding to your questions which are mostly specifically directed to Br. Joseph. Yet, am just giving this as a kind contribution which you may wish to ignore at your own discretion, sorry for any possible inconvenience. I hope Br. Joseph will be giving you pertinent replies when he is available where necessary.

In my humble view, I think I concur with what you cite as an understanding proffered by Dr. Shabbir. 'wakashafat 'an saqayha' in 27:44 literally translates to 'and she uncovered her shins.' As an idiom, it has a deeper meaning not obvious from the literal wording, which, as you may agree, is always the case with idioms.

Though 'kashafa' would imply 'uncover/lay open/remove' (50:22) and 'suqin' means 'calves' (38:33), as used in 27:44, the combination of the two words is classically understood to form an idiom which based on the context of its usage, could mean 'become spell bound, dumbfounded, gobsmacked' or 'become prepared to meet the difficulty, become perplexed/taken aback' [1]. The combination is also used somewhere else in the Qur'an in 68:42 where the context is well attested as that of 'being taken aback,' 'overwhelmed with astounding truth' and 'prepared to meet the difficulty' such that the disbeliever will be humiliated, confounded with truth, unable/ashamed to actually bow down.

"The Day the shin will be uncovered (yukshafu an saqin) and they are invited to prostration but the disbelievers will not be able, their eyes humbled, humiliation will cover them. And they used to be invited to prostration while they were sound." (Qur'an, Al-Qalam 68:42-43)

Reading the above together with 36:51-52 and 22:2, the context above is clearly that of 'impending difficulty' unfolding and through which those addressed will be bound to face the situation. The phrase '...and you will see the people intoxicated while they are not intoxicated...' (watara nasa suqara wama hum bi suqara) - 22:2 actually depicts a heavy situation/scene. You may want to appreciate how those 'appearing drunk/bewildered/pertubed'- 'suqara' (22:2) due to what has dawned on them would compare to those 'spellbound/perplexed' - 'yukshafu an saqin' (68:42) due to what is unfolding and yet to still confront the impending difficulty.

Therefore, similarly, the queen of Saba 'thought it was a body of water and was taken aback/spellbound (wakashafat 'an saqayha)' by the amazing palace that was 'paved with glass (mumarradu min qawarira).'

Hopefully that gives some little insight.


. LANE. E.W, Edward Lanes Lexicon, Williams and Norgate 1863; Librairie du Liban Beirut-Lebanon 1968, Volume 4, Pages 1470-1473


Walekumus Salaam,
Dear brother Athman,

Brilliant, simply brilliant Mashallah ;D Jazak Allah Khair! - what the wisdom/purport?

I've given reasons I almost always seek answer directly from Sir Joseph, just to repeat his life long academic research, multi lingual expertise, scriptures expertise and of course the simple yet superb explanation of even complex topics among many other things. But please don't worry and continue to share your thought and understanding you may have for any questions I raise, I really appreciate your time and help!

~ Student


Dear Br. Student,

Peace be upon you,

Thanks for highlighting on your prerogative. I do respect that. I trust that none in this forum would overlook the great wisdom coupled with a lifelong academic pursuit in the Abrahamic scriptures and other academic disciplines that is also evident from the works of Br. Joseph. I need not mention the academic honesty portrayed therein. Therefore, I understand your take on this from that context.

As regards your question, kindly briefly follow on my humble view below.

In 27:44, I see the style used just as an expression that clearly draws on a picture of the real scenario. It depicts the extent of awe to which the Queen was overwhelmed. In 68:42, it expresses the graveness of the situation and the aura of the Day of Recompense - a dire period to be dreaded!

In the general, I find such scenarios as among those that basically remind one of the Might, Power and Control of God over all affairs. He shows some of His greater favors granted to some of His servants over others and guides whom He wills thereby (27:44) and He manifests His signs to whoever He wills and when He wills (68:42).

This is to remind an individual that they should not hasten into making some decision before gathering the necessary evidence or before considering all available facts.

I hope that may assist inshaAllah.



Shalom / peace.

Good thread......  Just to add, and I've inferred this from brother Joseph's comments at times that he may also choose to keep quiet ....or wants questions to be shared openly so that other knowledgeable people can also share their views ....