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Started by questionsislam, August 25, 2018, 02:17:55 PM

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   First I would like to thank you for taking time to create a website with all this information; you have truly allowed me to have a better understanding of Islam. My question is regarding prayer. How does one prayer when they are out? For example, if one is out with friends and it is time to prayer but one does not know when they will be back home or in a place where they can pray how would one go about praying? Also, is one allowed to pray a car or while waiting in a store? I another question I have is missing prayers to go to something for school or some type of tutoring? I was always taught that when you miss a pray when you come home to immediately pray it with the intention of praying a missed prayer, is this the correct/only way to go about prayers when unable to pray?


Asalamu 3alykum

As I understand this question is for brother Joseph I hope you don't mind me giving you some info to your questions.

QuoteFor example, if one is out with friends and it is time to prayer but one does not know when they will be back home or in a place where they can pray how would one go about praying? Also, is one allowed to pray a car or while waiting in a store?

I take this situation to be in a country mainly consisting of non-Muslim population.

There are two exceptions that come to mind regarding your example.

64:16 So keep your duty to Allah as best ye can, and listen, and obey, and spend; that is better for your souls. And whoso is saved from his own greed, such are the successful.

2:239 And if ye go in fear, then (pray) standing or on horseback. And when ye are again in safety, remember Allah, as He hath taught you that which (heretofore) ye knew not.

As you know the duty of prayers to believers are very important and are commanded to be observed at certain times.

Although one should always try to account for their prayers first around their daily life and understand and find a balance there is times or situations where prayers are difficult to perform because of the toils, journeys, and the attractions of this world especially in countries where prayers are not established publicly and prayers are seen to be at odds with their practices I find one should perform their prayer as best they can even in their car or standing or walking.

This does seem to conform to the rights given to believers in the verses above.

QuoteI was always taught that when you miss a pray when you come home to immediately pray it with the intention of praying a missed prayer, is this the correct/only way to go about prayers when unable to pray?

Although the Quran does not give any information regarding missed or late prayers and making up for missed prayers(which I find the silence of that information has much wisdom) there is nothing wrong with doing them as this will only show ones intention. As we know that God is the most forgiving and merciful, one would not doubt to imagine His acceptance if He wills.

God commanded prayers and I find if He had opened the door for missing prayers for us and performing them at later times, this would also give the excuses for people to miss prayers regularly. However the silence of information seems to be warranted and consistent with the command of prayers are to be observed at certain times in my humble opinion.

Also brother Joseph shares a time and experience he had with prayer.

Hope that helps Insha'Allah



Very helpful thank you!



Quran does not mention making up for a missed timed salat, nor does it talk about punishment/expiation for a missed timed salat. Please reflect on why that is.
Verify for yourself.


Peace brother Wakas

I have to assume that your trying to say something and I assume that your opinion is that salat is not a timed prayer because it does not talk about expiation or making up for missed prayers.

I apologize if I assumed wrong but sometimes your responses leave a person puzzled as to what your trying to get at.

The Quran also does not touch on information regarding if a person does not give in Sadaqa either not does it mention any punishment if one does not pay into this. But as we know its obligatory and the reward is in the next life if God wills(Insha'Allah). This is a voluntary obligation and the punishment or recompense is something that might take place in the next life.

Zakat is also commanded. However it does not detail information regarding if one had delayed or did not pay the zakat.

However there is a hint that the state may hold one accountable.

And if one argues that zakat is not a payment. I would have to say that the Quran explicitly warns those who do not give/pay the zakat. So it must be a payment of some sort(another topic).

41:6 (Part)-7
"...and woe to the polytheists (41:6) Who give not the'Zakat' and who are disbelievers in the Hereafter (41:7)"



Shalom / peace ....

Prayers must be observed on time - verse 4.103


Asalamu 3alykum

Thank you for sharing brother Duster.

That verse proves that prayers are commanded for the believers at fixed times.

Although its true that no punishments or recompense are commanded in case prayers are missed that does not mean that prayers are not timely based or a form based as I assume brother Wakas is getting at.

Sorry again Wakas if I missed your point.

Once again thank you for pointing that out



In my opinion, if we are at home or mosque then should offer full prayers. If we miss the prayers, then there is no Qaza salat, as salat is ordained on prescribed times. Salat is beneficial for us, if we make it to improve communication with God, i.e make it a means to read Quran or learn and repeat in Salat, those Ayats, with understanding which we want to implement in life or do corrections of some bad habits. Otherwise just repeating some rote Ayat/suras without understanding can be cumbersome as it is said in Quran that salat is burdensome on hypocrites.
If we are not at home, e.g in office or in such company who are not comfortable with Salat, then make a shortened one , sitting or standing or in the car (but not while driving please). In shortened salat 2 salats can be combined such as Hajis do during pilgrimage. However, if we miss salat we don't have to offer Qaza.