Meaning of salaah and in context of bowing prostrating and standing in worship.

Started by miracle114, October 08, 2018, 11:01:51 PM

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Salaam all
I would appreciate if one could point me a verses/verses that clearly show salaah as an act of worship by bowing, prostrating, standing and reciting from the Quran

I do believe there are almost 100 derivative uses of the root word salah and not being either Arabic speaking nor a scholar I would appreciate any help.

Jzk. And kind regards


Salam Brother,

Salat means prayer. As-Salat is 'the prayer' which is enjoined in Quran on believers to establish. The below links analyze verses in Quran about As-Salat.



There is no one verse of Quran that says salat involves all the things you mentioned, i.e. "bowing, prostrating, standing and reciting from the Quran ".

I assume by "bowing" you may be referring to "ruku" which is found in the context of salat in 2:43, however the association is not explicit.

I assume by "prostrating" you may be referring to "sujud" which is found in the context of salat in 4:102. Past discussion:

I assume by "standing" you may be referring to "aqimu" which is a command commonly found accompanying the word salat, and it can mean establish/stand/observe/etc.

quran is quite strongly associated with salat however, please see 2:43-45, 4:103, 5:12-13, 7:169-170, 8:2-3, 19:58-59, 29:45, 31:2-7, 33:33-34, 17:78-79, 73:1-4, 73:20.
Verify for yourself.