Ruh O Soul?

Started by Forum Questions, November 12, 2011, 12:29:02 PM

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Forum Questions

[Please contact Joseph Islam for further details of the original thread]

AA all,
At what period of time in human the ruh or soul enters?
Is it present at the time of conception?
Or is it after birth,one gets it?
From birth to death it keeps changing(evolving) or it remains the same?

Joseph Islam

[Please contact Joseph Islam for further details of the original thread]

... Can I also add in particular response to initial enquiry that 46:15 mentions 'hamluhu' (bearing) and 'fisaluhu' (weaning) combined is 30 months. If we examine this together with 31:14 in which the time of 'fisaluhu' (weaning) only is given as 'amayni' (2 years / 24 months), we therefore get 'hamluhu' (bearing) of a 'nafs' as 6 months (30 months - 24 months). Take 6 months away from the complete pregnancy period and you get the point in which 'nafs' is recognised (approximately 3 months after conception). Before that period the Quran does not recognise the creature to be with a 'nafs' or 'insan' (human). See 23:14 which supports this as well.

Happy to stand humbly corrected if there is an otherwise more consistent / cogent opinion from the Quran.
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