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Upholding the Quran
« on: August 15, 2014, 05:11:29 AM »
Salam Brother Joseph

I have been to your website many times and I really enjoy the articles that you wrote. I do uphold the Qur'an as the final source of judgement, but sometimes my brother and I wonder what if there is things such as punishment in the grave despite it not being in the Qur'an. Ultimately what I'm saying is we wonder if some Hadith's even if they have no basis in the Qur'an are true due to fear and I fear we might be putting the Hadith authority over the Qur'an. We don't want to do this but our fear is holding us back from disregarding them completely. Is there anyway to overcome this fear and judge by the Qur'an as you do because I admire your complete faith in it and I want to have the same, but as I said before fear.

Brother in faith