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Salam Brother

Trying to present my take on this matter.

I think that to understand all the verses of the Quran is near to impossible. And it is also said, that everyone will not understand some verses except those who are firmly grounded in knowledge (3:7).
There are two types of verses in the Quran. Muhkam which is very clear and mutashabih, which need pondering over (tadabbur) to understand. With the advance of time knowledge advances and the meaning of mutashabih verses becomes more clear, or we can say, we get different ways to understand the meaning of the verses. So, understanding Quran is a a continuous process. And this could be a miracle. Because no other book is like this type.

To understand something we must at first be seriously involved with the matter. If one try then may be Allah will allow him to grasp the meaning of it.
In the Verse 255 in Bakara Allah said, `Nor shall they compass aught of His knowledge except as He willeth.'

So  in 10:39 it could be meant that as the disbelievers disbelieve, reject, don't pay attention, they dont research, don't ponder over the verses so they are unaware or unable to grasp the meaning of what was said in the verses especially in the mutashabih verses. They simply deny at first hearing saying that this is strange, this is magic..etc.  And patience is very important to understand something. In Musa (pbuh) case (18:65-82) we see that loosing patience is not good to learn great things.

So if they did not deny at first hearing, if they tried to understand, probably they could encompass its interpretation which `has not yet come to them'.

Allah Knows Best.
Come on... SOMEONE must have an answer!
Discussions / Re: Quran is fully detailed and clear, it can be further expanded.
« Last post by Wakas on September 10, 2023, 04:50:24 PM »
Salamun alaykum,

So, Rumzi states it can be better clarified and gives a very logical example. So from the Quranic perspective, why does the Qur'an need any further explanation or complementary materials that gives more detailed instructions or detailed history?


The Quran states it is clear, detailed, gives every example etc:

That means with regard to its purpose: salvation. It contains what is binding upon us for those who wish to follow it etc. That does not mean we cannot look to external sources as Quran asks us many times to look at the world around us, use our AQL, ponder over XYZ etc so this means we can use sources such as history, traditions etc BUT that does not mean they are authoritative/binding. Only The Quran is authoritative.

And as for rebuttals to the other link there is loads of info online, e.g. articles on this site, threads on this forum and free-minds and youtube videos etc.

Some examples:
Discussions / Re: Quran is fully detailed and clear, it can be further expanded.
« Last post by F.M.S.Abdal on September 09, 2023, 01:35:33 PM »
Anyone went over these links and have any rebuttals?
General Discussions / Qur'an: The Spirit (Ruh) and Q-Chakras
« Last post by Ad Sep on September 06, 2023, 06:12:52 PM »
/home/adel/Documents/The Q-Chakras-3A.pdf
Discussions / Quran is fully detailed and clear, it can be further expanded.
« Last post by F.M.S.Abdal on September 06, 2023, 12:39:04 PM »
Salamun alaykum,

So, Rumzi states it can be better clarified and gives a very logical example. So from the Quranic perspective, why does the Qur'an need any further explanation or complementary materials that gives more detailed instructions or detailed history?
Assalamu Alaykum

Inshallah everyone is doing well.  I have a question for Brother Joseph Islam or anyone else who knows the answer, regarding Surah 10 Ayah 38-39.   This is in regards to brother Joseph's article "Produce a Surah like it" :

In the article, he mentions that :

As is clear from the above verse, the reason that the challenge could never be met was not because the language of the Quran was far too superior for the them to emulate but because the 'bi'ilmihi walama yatihiim tawiluh' (knowledge of its interpretation) had not yet been completed nor could they yet encompass it's knowledge (bima lam yuhitu bi'ilmihi).

If possible, please provide more clarification on how the lack of knowledge of the interpretation of the Quran or the lack of being able to encompass the knowledge of the Quran, lead the Pagan Arabs to fail at meeting the challenge of the Quran?   What is the ayah referring to when it mentions "knowledge of the interpretation of the Quran and being able to encompass its knowledge"?

Do we have enough knowledge of the interpretation of the Quran today and are we able to encompass its knowledge today so the Quranic challenge can be met?   If not, doesn't that imply that the Quran is a miracle?

Thank you

May Allah Bless you all Insha Allah

General Discussions / A thesis on the meaning of SALAT in the Quran.
« Last post by Cihan on August 26, 2023, 02:46:43 AM »
Salam brothers and sisters.

I have compiled a thesis regarding SALAT in the Quran. It is quite long so I have uploaded it as a PDF and the link is below.

It is a deep analysis so it is rather long but I would love your input. Please copy and paste the URL below into your browsers search bar and download. My email is If you wish I can send it to you directly. All questions, discussions and criticisms are welcome.

Kind Regards
Cihan Buyukbas
Islamic Duties / A thesis on the meaning of SALAT in the Quran.
« Last post by Cihan on August 26, 2023, 02:45:08 AM »
Salam brothers and sisters.

I have compiled a thesis regarding SALAT in the Quran. It is quite long so I have uploaded it as a PDF and the link is below.

It is a deep analysis so it is rather long but I would love your input. Please copy and paste the URL below into your browsers search bar and download. My email is If you wish I can send it to you directly. All questions, discussions and criticisms are welcome.

Kind Regards
Cihan Buyukbas
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