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Messages - Deliverance

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General Discussions / Escatologie
« on: May 12, 2014, 12:22:36 AM »
Every time when i hear bad News of an uprising crisis which could end into War,i fall in the an prossec of sorrow and i am worry about could happen.This mood brings me always to read sources of escatology which Messages is drawing about an escalation of the Situation which will lead to a worldwar.According to this prophecies Jesus will return after ther worldwar.

I know there is no proof of Jesus return in Quran but there are lot of ahadith which dealing with the subject of "the last Age we are living in" and about the signs of the endtime,and some of them are very convincible that we are living in the last Age.

It is a very old Story of an coming Saviour who will fade away all unjust und will help the poor People,it was belived by the old Egyptians ,in Mesopotamia and the Zoroastrians belived in such a Figur who is comin at the endtime.

Some say that Jesus was preaching the coming of the end of the world within his followers but i think this was propagated by Paul who corrupted the Picture of Jesus.

My question:All this stories of the coming saviour,who is fighting against his component and that we are living in the last Age,and worldwar3 is close to us.Is it just to keep the People not to do bad things and to pay their taxes to the synogogue,church,mosque etc. 

What advice could you give to People who are gullible and belive the end of the world is close.


General Discussions / Re: AD-Djabal and AT-Thour
« on: May 11, 2014, 11:44:13 PM »
Thanks for your view

General Discussions / Re: AD-Djabal and AT-Thour
« on: May 11, 2014, 05:39:28 PM »
Thank you,Joseph

Now,if 52:1-3 is connected with Moses,we had to take a view to Sura 52:4 "By the much frequented House"

I want your opion about this ayat which building is meant by this vers?In my Translation the Author is saying that it is the Kaaba.
We've seen that 52:1-3 is about Moses Revelation and 52:4 is beginnig with  " و " so is it a continuation of the previous vers.
Could you please give me you view Joseph which house is meant with the term in 52:4size=14pt]وَٱلۡبَيۡتِ ٱلۡمَعۡمُورِ (٤)[/size]


General Discussions / Re: Exile from Paradies
« on: May 11, 2014, 05:45:03 AM »
"...The Angels do not have Free Will therefore they can not  commit any sin as such there is no question of their being punished or driven from Paradise."

Thats correct they have a FreeWill but nevertheless they will be questioned as a wittness like the Palms,foot,tongue etc.look it up in Sura 34:40

They had to leave heaven/Paradies to fullfill theirs duty like the "Writing-Angles" which protocol every deed we make.

I want to put your Attention on the word in Sura 2:38 "قُلۡنَا ٱهۡبِطُواْ "which is not in Dual like in the previous ayats where it is used for Adam and his spouse like in 2:37"فَأَزَلَّهُمَا ٱلشَّيۡطَـٰنُ عَنۡہَا فَأَخۡرَجَهُمَا " if only two were expelled wouldn´t it be Sound
"Ahbituhuma" or is there no use in the arabic grammar of the Dual in the commandform ?

General Discussions / Re: On the soul
« on: May 11, 2014, 05:12:49 AM »
Thanks Joseph for clarification and your patience with me  :D

General Discussions / Exile from Paradies
« on: May 11, 2014, 01:00:24 AM »
Salam all,

While i was reading the story of Paradies,i had to reject my belief that Adam and his spouse were the only one who had to go down to earth.
In 2:35-36 there is the use of the Dual for Adam and his female Partner,but in 2:38 when God said to them to leave ,here you find no Dual,and he is adressing to a gathering to go out of here.
I believe that he was adressing all beeings Adam and his spouse,Iblies and his follower of the other ghost and the Angles.
In 7:18 we see that Satan has to leave heaven and Paradies and follow Adam and his offspring.
In 7:27we read that Satan has followers of his kind of the Djinn,because Iblies is a Djinn see 18:50
And we know that the human is accompanied by writing-angles so the Angles where ordered to leave Paradies too.
Thats why the Angles will be questioned on Judgment Day see 34:40

So finally not Adam and Eve alone were expelled from Heaven alle beeings described above had to leave too.


General Discussions / Re: On the soul
« on: May 11, 2014, 12:40:10 AM »
Dear Joseph ,
Do you consider "Sanat" to be a whole year or is it a part/season of the Year.


General Discussions / Re: AD-Djabal and AT-Thour
« on: May 11, 2014, 12:31:32 AM »
Salam alaikoum Joseph,
Thank you for explainig the meaning of "Lawh" but I had to Apologie for not beeing clear,i quoted the wrong Sura,it is Sura 52:1-4.
"وَٱلطُّورِ (١) وَكِتَـٰبٍ۬ مَّسۡطُورٍ۬ (٢) فِى رَقٍّ۬ مَّنشُورٍ۬ (٣) وَٱلۡبَيۡتِ ٱلۡمَعۡمُورِ (٤)"
I thought because in your Article about "Thour" beeing a Place and not a Mountain the beginnig of Sura 52 is connected with Moses ministry and thats why asked if the law was written on lether? what does the arabic term in 52:3 mean "Fi Raq Manschur"

General Discussions / Re: On the soul
« on: May 10, 2014, 05:57:41 PM »
Peace goodlogic,

Yes,the Test is mandatory for us i remember a Vers but i dont know where it is right now,it says that the Human are tested one or two times a year.We have discussed that "sanat" could stand for the seasons of the year so we are probably 4 to 8 times a year.


General Discussions / Re: "Nasara" derived from Nazareth?
« on: May 10, 2014, 05:37:13 PM »

The Nazarenes / Nashara were known by this name from the earliest times since Nabi Isa as the group of Jews who recognised Isa as the Messiah. Throughout their history, those who were known as Christians (Those centred in Rome who believed Isa as the Messiah)  were NEVER known as Nazarenes, in fact Nazarenes and Christians were basically enemies, as Rome believed they had superseded the Nazarenes. (replacement theology)

The Nazarenes and Jews, despite being ethnically the same, became enemies as well, as the Nazarenes refused to support the reclaiming of Jerusalem (in 135AD). The Nazarenes held to the Injil Matthew and many settled in Arabia, the most famous being Waraqa Bin Nauffel who officiated the Prophets wedding.

The Qur'an doesn't necessarily refer to mainstream Christianity at all when it refers to Nashara, and that the Nasrani that the Quran addresses do not follow the catholic belief. It is clear that wesrtern (catholic) Christianity as is known today was basically not present in Arabia at the time of the Prophet. In refering to Nashara, the Qur'an most likely refers to a local Arabian sect context of the Nazarenes or Eastern Christians who were presented a corrected belief from the Qur'an.

Salam Zack,

The Group that were waiting for a Messia which you quoted at the beginnig are you you referring to Essene.They lived Long before Jesus birth and he(Jesus) lerned from them the Taurat and they gave him shelter.They call them self "Keeper of the Bond" which in hebraeic is "Nozrei ha brit"

General Discussions / "Nasara" derived from Nazareth?
« on: May 09, 2014, 11:17:24 PM »
I want to ask what does the arabic term "Nasar" mean and why is it used for christians.Is it because of the town of Nazareth where he lived,although some Historians claim that Jesus did not come from there.?

salam aleikoum

General Discussions / Re: On the soul
« on: May 09, 2014, 06:06:40 AM »
Salam good logic,

You have answered my question about my qustion in Post 16.

"Adam had to earn his salvation:
Then, Adam received from his Lord words, whereby He redeemed him. He is the Redeemer, Most Merciful.
فَتَلَقّىٰ ءادَمُ مِن رَبِّهِ كَلِمٰتٍ فَتابَ عَلَيهِ إِنَّهُ هُوَ التَّوّابُ الرَّحيمُ "

And i agree with you but my last post is about the real reason why Adam has to leave paradise,and i´ve showed the ayat where i think it seems that Adam became godlike and God does not except another God.
Have you ever wondered why the Angles bow down infront of Adam?

General Discussions / Re: On the soul
« on: May 09, 2014, 02:31:01 AM »
Dear Goodlogic,

I want you to pay your Attention at the beginnig of Adams creation  in Sura 2:30"(29) And when thy Lord said unto the angels: Lo! I am about to place a viceroy in the earth, they said: Wilt thou place therein one who will do harm therein and will shed blood, while we, we hymn Thy praise and sanctify Thee? He said: Surely I know that which ye know not. (30)"

Here we find the phrase to bring Adam to earth as a vice roy,it was not the aim or it was known by the creator that Adam will inhabit Paradies.The angles knew about the character of the human being having the free will of doing good and bad deeds.

But why did the creator planned the punishment of Adam by giving him the free will to brake a law?

And He taught Adam all the names, then showed them to the angels, saying: Inform Me of the names of these, if ye are truthful. (31) They said: Be glorified! We have no knowledge saving that which Thou hast taught us. Lo! Thou, only Thou, art the Knower, the Wise. (32) He said: O Adam! Inform them of their names, and when he had informed them of their names, He said: Did I not tell you that I know the secret of the heavens and the earth? And I know that which ye disclose and which ye hide. (33) And when We said unto the angels: Prostrate yourselves before Adam, they fell prostrate, all save Iblis. He demurred through pride, and so became a disbeliever.

After the allmighty taught Adam all names ,Adam became the Knower,the Wise he was equal to the Allmighty in this divinely esembly,thats why it seemed that the Speaker in 2:32 who is identified with god who adresses Adam to inform them about the names is the figure as the Adresse because after he informed them about the names there is no break and it continues with "HE said".

I think that that the allmighty doesn´t want or it is not possible to have two unmortal beeings so one had to leave.
Thats why i think it was planned from the beginning.

salam aleikoum

General Discussions / Re: Does Paradise Already Exist?
« on: May 07, 2014, 08:12:53 PM »
Thank you Joseph for clarifing the expression ''ih'bitu' (Go down)

There is one Vers which makes me think that Paradies still exist ,it is in Sura 11:108
"And as for those who will be glad (that day) they will be in the Garden, abiding there so long as the heavens and the earthendure save for that which thy Lord willeth: a gift unfailing. (108) "

In my Translation is a footnote explaining that " Long as heaven and earth endure" is arabic Idiom which means forever.

General Discussions / Re: Does Paradise Already Exist?
« on: May 07, 2014, 04:35:16 PM »
Salam Joseph,

The Vers i have quoted "(23) He said: Go down (from hence), one of you a foe unto the other. There will be for you
on earth a habitation and provision for a while. (24) He said: There shall ye live, and there shall ye die, and thence shall ye be brought forth. "

It Shows that Paradies is elsewhere but not on earth it must be somwhere up there are versese that mention something between earth and heaven (Paradies?)


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