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Messages - jav

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 Thank you for the reply ..May Allah bless you!
         I have read the article .The way i feel  , it seems like the purpose of this verse is not to tell how many wives one should or should not have i-e does not negate or promote having multiple wives . But tells that orphan should be given their right but if one fears this, then  one can have more than one wife other than the orphans and be just in case of multiple wives but if can not do so then marry one women or that your right hand possess .
         But when this verse was discussed among people explanation in reference to your article was ,it was questioned about multiplicity . And explanation was given in context to verse 35.1 , as in your article. And was further questioned that it means , its possible to have  to have 6 or 7 or 15 ? In this way,yes, it is possible then. But no one agreed and said this stuff was made i-e about multiplicity .
        Is it possible; that twos , threes and fours,  as smaller numbers might indicate a FEW number  in arabic literature or there could be bigger word used like in seven,eight or tens. If this" twos ,threes and fours" is used together as indicating multiplicity then for what number of substances is this used ?If its  possible for you to give some more example in context of using this combination of numbers or some others!


                  IN surah nisa 4.3

The twos ,threes and fours indicate multiplicity ....
    Does this multiplicity shows lower multiples i-e less number of women ( twos ,threes and fours may indicate a level of multiples)? If it does then what is the possible range?
    Does this means as many as one want  ?
If it is the latter case then there no check and a limitless number. ( which seems like is not possible practically)
   Does this mean that multiple wives as required?
As this puts a limit but there is no such description , as one can have multiple wives as they need? and also how will then the word "need "be explained then ?

General Discussions / Re: Different paths to belief
« on: July 18, 2014, 03:05:00 AM »
    A  s for your shared story is concerned u did create a room in your mind for the Quran and God helped you out with that . As you said "
My curiosity with Qoran, led me  to read "translations". " and "In fact, Once we analyze and process the message, we must recognize and choose God, because we need His guidance to understand, discern and perceive the reality beyond the materialistic illusion of this world. "
   luckily ,i m not brainwashed by the society or any other evil that you may be thinking of. I m thankful to those who showed me what's right or wrong or something they did think was right but is wrong ,then i m not unaware of that. and as far as Quran is concerned, every Muslim should be understanding it and so do i and am trying more.

General Discussions / Re: Different paths to belief
« on: July 17, 2014, 08:55:08 PM »
to good logic.
K , ill tell my point of view.
     let's see , typically here in our area a child in a Muslim family is told before going to school about One Allah and the Prophet (saw) . then starts by reading Quran so learns arabic cz in here that's not primary language. normally they are in their puberty and has not yet translated the Quran. they do learn about principles of Islam and also queries in it from surrounding. then some BUT NOT ALL decides to  learn the Quran. Most of us including me finds the same queries but do not turn away from religion cz they have a BELIEF. But one of my relative studied the Quran and was in doubt so turned to books of other religion and is now an Atheist ( he did read Quran).
      If only learning the Quran is the only factor which makes people come to Islam ( the religion we present Muslim believe in and the detail of which we know) .the Quran would have been given to people and would have been asked to read and learn about your only God! and then a messenger was not needed !  every sane would have interpreted it differently, some even would not have read ..too busy with life ,some died before they would have completed it and so much more. it's practically impossible!
    Then why a messenger (telling is one of his primary job) to tell people what is there really ! In the start when Prophet (saw) start telling people about the Only God. Tell me did he put a COMPLETE BOOK i-e Quran  in front of people and so that they see and read and understand a divine Book that of like, does not exist and turn to his way?  WHEN  there were only a FEW verses revealed then.(surely THE Quan is a word of Allah)
   See there is a teller and a listener . the teller has a point and the listener creates a room in his mind for that point. and that's  how he may start BELIEVING on what he said. if no room in his mind then no belief .
  All i think is you need a preliminary belief that makes you a Muslim( whether yet practising or not) . then can understand Quran which reminds of his belief ,tells him about matters of life and its dealing.
  So one need a teller without that its practically impossible and a listener who can accept that. For me there were me family members at first and then the community and school years before i had even read or translated Quran .  :)
  that's what i think!
May Allah be please with us.


General Discussions / Re: Different paths to belief
« on: July 17, 2014, 05:28:21 AM »
          In your question you said people believed in i-e muslims. for them concept of One Allah is clear and that  Islam as a true religion , now if someone crooks an ayah and confuses them or interprets them wrongly ,they will not be in doubt concerning the Quran and if possible tries to correct it  cz they have a belief in One Allah, Muhammad (saw) as last messenger and the Quran as true book.

General Discussions / Re: Different paths to belief
« on: July 16, 2014, 09:45:49 PM »
In my opinion the only reason a Muslim would believe in the Quran is because he or she had accepted Islam and so believe in One Allah ,Muhammad (SAW) ,and the Quran .The believe on Quran is that it is true words of Allah which shows right path. The rest of the reasons you have mentioned is, liking some thing about Quran according to once own taste, other than the basic belief, i just mentioned.

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